Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ring of Honor results from 7-9 in Charlotte, NC

ROH Results- 7/9/2011
Charlotte, NC
By: Jason "JerseyViper" Namako

Hello everyone, JerseyViper once again with some ROH results for you all, this time from tonight's show in Charlotte, NC. Couple of notes before I get started. Attendance was said to be pretty full and Chris Hero and ROH Booker Hunter Johnston, or otherwise known as Delirious, are in Charlotte after not being able to make the show last night in RIchmond due to horrible weather conditions in the Northeast. Now, with that out of the way, let's get on to the show.

Match Number One: "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett defeated Andy "Right Leg" Ridge by pinfall after hitting the Piledriver.

Match Number Two: "The Pretty Boy Pitbull" Kenny King defeated Mark Briscoe by pinfall after hitting the Burning Hammer. Jay Briscoe and Rhett Titus were handcuffed to adjacent ringposts during this match as a way to prevent interference, issued by ROH Executive Producer Jim Cornette.

Match Number Three: Jay Briscoe and Rhett Titus went to a No Contest after Jay laid out the referee and freed his brother Mark from being handcuffed to the ringpost with bolt cutters(Mark and Kenny King were handcuffed to the ring post for this match). The Briscoes then beat the hell out of Titus. Jay hit the Jay Driller and they both hit the Doomsday Device. ROH Tag Team Champions Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team finally ran in to make the save. Officials helped a fallen Rhett to the back.

Match Number Four: The American Wolves(ROH World Champion "The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards & "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards defeated Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly by submission after O"Reilly passed out to Edwards' Achilles' Lock, including Edwards stomping on O'Reilly's head. Edwards refused to let go of the hold until Richards finally broke him off. The timekeeper explained that he dropped his hammer and that is why Edwards held on to the hold, because he did not hear the bell ring. Edwards, obviously upset, left the ring while Richards tended to his fallen student in O'Reilly.

Match Number Five: The C & C Wrestle Factory(Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander) defeated The House of Truth("The Unbreakable" Michael Elgin & Chase Owens) w/Truth Martini when Alexander pinned Owens with a Frog Splash. Owens, a local indy wrestler from the Carolinas, was a recruit looking to get in the House of Truth and this match was to prove himself to Truth Martini. Following the loss, Martini gave the thumbs down, and Elgin destroyed Owens with a Buckle Bomb and the Spiral Bomb.

Match Number Six: "That Young Knockout Kid" Chris Hero w/Shane Hagadorn defeated Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana by pinfall when Hero nailed Cabana with the Rolling Boot as Cabana was going for the Flying Apple.

Match Number Seven, Non-Title: ROH Tag Team Champions Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team(Charlie Haas & "The Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin)(c) defeated The Bravado Brothers by pinfall after hitting their double team hangman/splash across the back combination, now being dubbed The Broken Arrow. After the match, The Briscoes came out and challenged Haas & Benjamin to a match for the titles. A brawl ensued between the two teams and during the melee, a table was set up by the Briscoes and they Irish Whipped Charlie Haas through the table that they propped up in the corner. Kenny King then ran out to make the save, wielding a chair. Referees attend to Haas and help him to the back.

Main Event, Non-Title, Steel Cage Grudge Match: ROH TV Champion "The Generic Luchador" El Generico defeated Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini by pinfall after hitting the Top Rope Brainbuster.

And that is all from the weekend of shows from Ring of Honor. Seems like they put on 2 solid efforts with their shows, as now they look forward to their 1st TV Taping on August 13th in Chicago Ridge, the site of Feburary's 9th Anniversary show. Hopefully, these TV Tapings will do much better than the 9th Anniversary show did. Til next time everyone, this has been JerseyViper, thank you all for reading my reports and you all have a great day, HISSSSSSSSSS!

Credit: Jason Namako @

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