Thursday, July 21, 2011

On the Beat with Todd Card-Part 2

Yesterday, I introduced you to Todd Card, author of Hell Cometh (an action-packed, gruesome zombie story filled with gore, blood, suspense and everything else guaranteed to keep you reading and possibly up all night).  Todd gave us several minutes of his time to talk about his career, Hell Cometh and his future.
Todd is a great guy.  He is very fan-friendly and very interactive with his fans through his Facebook page.  I see him active on his page through all hours of the day, just talking to fans and answering their questions.  You couldn't ask for anything more!
As of this writing, there were only about 70 first print copies of Hell Cometh left.  I am proud to own a signed first print copy.
I hope you enjoy Part Two of my interview with Todd and I hope you check out his site and Hell Cometh.  You will not be disappointed.

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