Saturday, July 30, 2011

TFW results from Friday night in Tupelo (Skyline) MS

LSD defeated Mayhem.

Matt Storn defeated Dirty Dustin Dundee.

BB over Chasity Hord w/Motely & Chris Styles by DQ. BB was left laying in the ring after a post-match beating from Motely/Chasity/Chris.

Vin Vader w/Raven demolished/destroyed/devoured Scruffy McNasty.

Johnny Morton vs. Knock Out Kid went to a time limit draw.

DC/Brett Michaels/LSD defeated Cruz'n 4 Pain (Motely Cruz/Chris Styles/Josh Matthews w/Chasity Hord) when Bad Boy Burns ran in and pinned Motely. After the match C4P handcuffed Bad Boy to the ring and beat him down, along with DC, Brett, & LSD. The beating lasted just over 20 minutes before order was finally restored.

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