Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lee Arenberg Loves Johngy's Beat

Earlier this year at the Motor City Comic Con, I came across Lee Arenberg.  Arenberg is the perfect guy for such a convention.  He had a role in two popular franchises (Seinfeld and The Pirates of the Caribbean).  Being connected to either one would make him popular enough at collectors shows.  Being in both simply doubles his audience.
He was extremely outgoing and down-to-earth.  For several minutes, he chatted with us about his time in Chicago, his roles and his thoughts on his place in life.  It's always cool to talk to celebs who have spent time in Chicago, especially when they enjoyed it as much as Arenberg did.  He mentioned people, places and even streets.
He also talked about realizing that he has fans and he has entertained people, but knowing what he does isn't world-changing.  Yet still, it does make people happy.  It was an interesting conversation and I got to really appreciate him.
After such a nice experience, I had to ask him if he would do a promo for this site.  He quickly agreed and had some fun with it.  It is lively and fun.  It appears below and also has taken its place in the "Testimonials" column on the right.
I really appreciate the promo, but I appreciated the experience even more.  Arenberg is a special guy!

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