Saturday, July 30, 2011

MCW results from 7-29 in Osceola, AR

1st match - Ruff Shot Lamonte Potts(1/2 of the tag team champions) with Sexy Sam Dollar defeated Dynamite Kid in a hard fought battle !!

2nd match - A triple threat match MCW Heavyweight Champion Frankie Tucker vs Tommy Drama vs Mr. Pimptacular !! It turns into a double teaming against Frankie Tucker with Tommy Drama getting the pin !!!

3rd match - The Hambone Express with SSD defeated Loose Cannon & Dynamite Kid !!

4th match - Big Daddy Lafonce vs Notorious Bradley Diggs with SSD !! Big Daddy has the victory until Ruff Shot hits along with Tommy Drama & Mr Pimptacular !! Out comes Frankie T and low & behold turns on SSD's stable !! The crowd goes crazy with go Frankie go chants !! Pop of the night !!!

5th match - Battle Royal with 500 dollars to the winner !! Loose Cannon, Dynamite Kid, Big Daddy Lafonce, Frankie Tucker, LA Hustlers, Mr. Pimptacular, Tommy Drama, & the Hambones !!! What a match with the last 2 remaining Dynamite Kid & Mr. Pimptacular !! Mr. Pimptacular used his size & experience to squeak out the victory !!

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