Sunday, July 31, 2011

Seasons in the Sun

It is almost August and there is no sign that the Dogs will field a softball team this year.  This could be the first time since 1990 that I don't play at least one game.  It was a good run if that is so.
Back in the mid-90's, I was the captain of our team at Lerner Newspapers.  In other words, I spent way too much time chasing down people to field a team every week.  During the eight year run, I played every position except 1st base, before finally settling in as the team's main pitcher.
When taking the mound, I decided to try to unsettle the opposing batters by donning face paint.  I know, it was not too original (basically, I copied the Road Warriors and Sting of wrestling fame), but it did startle a few batters (and umpires).
As the season wore on and it got hotter, the face paint seemed much less fun, but I made the commitment to wear it until we made the playoffs.  Fortunately, that promise had an expiration date of that year, since we never made the playoffs and I would still be wearing facepaint.
By the way, that lump on my left cheek is actually a softball earring (worn just in case the facepaint wasn't enough).  Hmmm maybe I am seeing why we never really won much!
A facepainted me in Skokie, IL-Mid 1990's.

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