Friday, July 1, 2011

At Days of the Dead in Indianapolis

I was doing research for this weekend's Days of the Dead convention in Indianapolis, when I came across Mike Jolley.  Mike is the CEO/Owner/President of Bloody Scorpion FX, which specializes in special effects and mask-making.  In fact, the picture you see below features Mike with Kane Hodder holding a mask that Mike made.  How cool is that?!
Mike showed the mask to Kane at the Days of the Dead convention earlier this year.  Mike describes Kane as "one of the coolest, nicest people...just so awesome".  Mike says that every time he meets Kane, Kane remembers him from previous times.  He asks/states, "How cool is that?!"
The answer is very cool.  There are a handful of celebs who really are just a step above.  I have never met Kane, but I hope to meet him someday.  I have met a few who remember me and believe me, it makes a big impression.  Those are the truly special encounters.
I am glad Mike had such an experience with Kane.  I am even happier he shared it with us here.  I also hope to meet Mike at the convention this weekend.
Mike Jolley and Kane Hodder in Indianapolis, IN-Early 2011.

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