Saturday, August 6, 2011

Seasons in the Sun

I'm taking a break from waxing nostalgic on my softball adventures to bring you baseball-related stuff which is really cool.  While I take nothing away from the fun I have had playing softball, baseball is a game for kids and today I am featuring two of my favorites.
Louie coached his sons' little league team this Spring.  The Rangers played excellent fundamental baseball and made it to the championship game against the Giants (Isn't that a cool baseball coincidence?)
Peter was the starting pitcher and pitched great.  Christopher batted second and made an awesome catch at third base.  The boys played solid games and had a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, the Rangers lost to the Giants (much like in pro baseball).  I am sure Louie, his sons and the rest of their family would have liked the victory, but that isn't the main point.
Peter and Christopher were joined by their cousin Andrew on the team.  Many members of Louie's family and friends of all came out to support the kids.  It was pretty cool to witness.  This is what baseball is.  This is the meaning of kids' sports.  Family.  Friends.  Fun.
Peter throws the first pitch in Lincolnwood, IL-June 2011.
Christopher awaits a pitch in his first at bat in Lincolnwood, IL-June 2011.

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