Sunday, August 14, 2011

MCW results for 8-12 in Osceola, AR

1st match - 6 man match Jeremy Spiker,Animal Jamie D,& Donner defeated The Hambone Express & Zoink the Clown by DQ !!!

2nd match - MCW Middleweight Champion Tommy Drama defeated Uncle Slam !!!

3rd match - MCW tag team champions The LA Hustlers Ruffshot Lamonte Potts & Notorious Bradley Diggs defeated MCW heavyweight champion Frankie Tucker & Hazzard !!! Crowd was really into this match !!!

4th match - Dirty Lil Dave with Sexy Sam Dollar defeated Dynamite Kid to retain his Cruiserweight Championship !!!

5th match - Mr Pimptacular & C-money with SSD defeated Spyro & Stretch !!!

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