Monday, July 11, 2011

Linda Hogan's Book Has Sex, Drugs and Lots of Advice

Before I even started Linda Hogan's Wrestling The Hulk: My Life Against The Ropes, I
made a note that I was hesitant to jump in, knowing that it was going to get dirty. And it did. After reading the autobiography, you will know more than you ever wanted to know about Hulk Hogan's sex life -- and Linda's.

It wasn't so bad that I needed to put the book down and go wash, but there were
moments where I shuddered.

Still, I will say that Wrestling The Hulk is far better than it has any right to be, especially given that it is as much a self-help/amateur shrink book to help with signs of infidelity as it is a recounting of Linda's life. (And there are recipes too!)

Credit: Greg Oliver, Slam! Wrestling via

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