1. Alex Silva vs. Ryan Howe went to a draw.
2. Chris Silvio w/Mo Green beat Elvis Pridemore by Submission.
3. Rocco Bellagio & James "Moose" Thomas w/Prince Bolin, Mo Green & The Personal Assistant beat Trailer Park Trash & Joshua "Jump Squat" Johnson.
4. Ted McNaler & The Blossom Twins (Holly & Hannah) beat Lennox Norris, Lady JoJo & Solo Darling in a 6 person mixed tag match.
5. Jamin Olivencia beat Aiden Young.
6. Michael Hayes beat Brandon Espinosa by submission.
7. Jason Wayne beat Tony Gunn in a non-title match.
8. Paredyse beat Rudy Switchblade to win the OVW TV title
Credit: Trent Van Drisse @ Mid-Southern Wrestling message board
NOTE: As usual, Trent has an excellent write-up about this event posted at Mid-Southern Wrestling message board. It's a good read, so check it out! You'll find it here: http://members3.boardhost.com/Trent36/msg/1311289411.html
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