Outstanding show - 300 plus, standing room only!
The show started off with MMMike and the Family of Pain (Sarge and Mickey Ray) commimg out and asking anybody if they needed a hair cut (and the heat was on). The crowd was booing them telling FOP they sucked and was wrong for wut Sarge has been doing for the last 3 weeks. MMMike gave his challenge to anybody that wanted to win $50.00. Well 1 of the fans was wanting to win the money, so he got up in the ring and Mike told him all he had to do is drink this bottle of water in 3 min and he wins the money. Well, Sarge opened the water and showed the guy how it was done (easy, right?). Mickey Ray got the fan a bottle of water and Sarge was nice enough to open it for the guy and spit in the bottle of water. The crowd was trying to tell the fan what sarge did, and before he could do or say anything Sarge grabbed him & put the big sitdown power bomb on the guy, and Mickey Ray grabbed the clippers and started shaving his head. Bill Dundee and TJ O'riley hit the ring to help the guy, and Dundee told the fans that Sarge was next and that tonight Sarge and Mickey Ray and that drop of water (MMMike) was going to be BALD.
Big Dave started the show off by telling everyone that Bill Russ, the FTW Commissioner had made ALL the matches in the cage! The fans were so excited about this because that way MMMike could not interfere in any matches tonight.
1st match: #1 contenders match for the hardcore title -
Tommy Redneck (champion) vs Driveby vs Lil Juduz.
Winner and #1 contender: Driveby.
2nd match:
Eric Hays & Kayita vs the GA Boys.
Winners: Eric Hays and Kayita.
3rd match:
Former FTW Heavyweight Champion Dazzlin Dixie vs The Moondog (Rover). MMMike told everyone that he was bringing in someone to finish off Dixie. The Moondog hit the ring and was beating Dixie with his bone, but the fans got behind Dixie and he got his second wind and looked like he was going to finish The Moondog off. Out of the back Big Red hit the ring and both men started to beat Dixie into the mat, but Dixie outsmarted them both and turned the match around in his favor.
Winner: Dazzling Dixie.
4th match: Hair vs hair -
Sarge and Mickey Ray w/MMMike vs TJ O'riley and Superstar Bill Dundee.
Great match - the fans loved Dundee, and TJ was giving the fans whut they wanted, beating his dad down. They all wonted to see the FOP bald, but in the end TJ was trying to get a tag to Dundee, and every time Sarge and Mickey would cut him off, until the fan that had his hair shaved at the begining of the show got Sarge's atention. Sarge saw that he had Sarge's chain (Sarge didn't relize he dropped it after Dundee and TJ ran them out of the ring). The fan asked Sarge if he wanted it back and through it over the cage to Dundee, and this gave TJ enough time to get the tag to Dundee. Dundee knocked Sarge and Micky Ray all around the ring with the chain. Mickey Ray came from behind and got Dundee while Sarge got MMMike to open the cage and give him a chair. Sarge blasted TJ O'riley with the chair and Mickey Ray was yelling at Sarge to blast Dundee. The Superstar saw what was comimg and ducked out of the way, and Sarge layed Micky Ray out with the chair. TJ crawled over to get the 1-2-3. The place went crazy, chanting "cut Sarge's hair." MMMike grabbed Sarge and went to the back, leaving Mickey Ray out in the ring to get his hair cut. The crowd loved it, but they still wanted Sarge's hair cut.
5th match: FTW heavyweight title match -
Juduz vs the WWE Tough Enough's Ryan "Skid Marks" Howell.
The place went nuts when Ryan hit the ring. Great solid match. Juduz was showing the fans and Skid Marks why he was the champion. He didnt give Ryan too much to be proud of until the fans got the big pop. Juduz went to the top rope to drop his finish move(all the gospel) elbow drop, and Ryan moved & shot Juduz into the rope, ducked a big close line from Juduz, and went behind for a German suplex. The ref went down for the count, and your winner and new FTW Heavyweight Champion: Ryan "Skid Marks" Howell. The place went wild. Stone Cold would have been proud. This match was a main event anywhere, but when the place calmed down, the ref took the belt away and gave it back to Juduz and told the fans, Big Dave, and Ryan that Ryan's shoulders were down and Juduz's left shoulder was up. MMMike was so relieved, but Ryan told the fans he would be back, and if Juduz has the belt he was coming for him!
6th match: FTW Diva's title -
Aubern Thunder vs Lil Bit vs Angelena vs Jessie Bell Smothers vs OZ.
The crowd loved Jessie Bell, Lil Bit, and Aubern. Good match with all the ladies putting on a show for the fans. You would have had to have seen all the things the women were doing to see wut was going on. Great match until the end - Angelena busted open Aubern on the top of the cage and the blood was on. OZ went to climb out of the cage when Jessie Bell slammed his head in the cage and he was busted open. At this point Lil Bit went to the top and hit her dajavo on OZ and went for her bit strech on OZ. Last week Angelena tapped out for it, and it looked like OZ was fixing to tap out when Angalena saw it and blasted Lil Bit in the back. OZ rolled her up for the win. New FTW Diva's Champion: OZ.
7th match Xtreme Title match -
Brandon Bobwire (champion) vs Ricky Andrews.
This match was awesome. it has been in the making for 5 weeks now, and the fans were behind Ricky Andrews all the way - a hard faught match! These 2 pulled out everything in this match, but in the end a NEW EXTREME CHAMPION: Ricky Andrews. It's what the people wanted, and the fans got to see it first hand. It was Ricky Andrews' 1st title win in 3 yrs., and he fought for it every week, and now he can be called a company champion. He is going to defend it aganst whom ever and when ever he can, because he is the people's champion, and is going to prove it.
Main event: FTW Tag Team title match -
The Swagger Boys vs Mark Justice & Devon Day.
This match was the bloodest match of the year. Mark and Devon wanted those belts, and they gave 110%. On the other hand, last week the Swagger Boys left Mark and Devon laying in the middle of the ring, so they knew that they had a fight on their hands, but when it all came down, Jon Biscuit Robert was tired of getting his butt kicked and went to climb out of the cage. When mark saw this he went after him, grabbed him, put him in the hard justice off the top rope, and got the win. New FTW Tag Team Champions: Mark Justice and Devon Day. The crowd loved it, and while Mark was overjoyed for finally getting the win, Devon Day turned on Mark and beat his a$$ all over the ring, and it wasn't over. MMMike made his presence known, and while Devon helped he put Mark Justice through a huge fire ball and burned Mark' chest and half of his beard off. Mark had to be carried out by secrity and other wrestlers.
Overall the whole show from start to finish was great and the fans loved every one of the matches!
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