1. Alex Silva beat Chase King
2. Chris Silvio w/Mo Green beat Benjamin Bray by submission
3. Paredyse beat Tony Gunn to retain the OVW TV title
4. Mohamad Ali Vaez beat Elvis Pridemore by submission
5. Ted McNaler and The Fat & The Furious(Trailer Park Trash & Jack Black) beat Raul Lamotta, Rocco Bellagio, & James "Moose" Thomas w/Prince Bolin, Mo Green & The personal assistant in a 6 man tag
6. "Smooth" Johnny Spade beat Mike Mondo w/Christian Mascagni to become the number one contender for the OVW heavyweight title
Credit: Trent Van Drisse @ Mid-Southern Wrestling message board
NOTE: As usual, trent has postede a very good write-up about this event on the Mid-Southern board. If you are a fan of OVW, check it out, it's worth your time!
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