Friday, July 1, 2011

FTW results from Saturday night in Newbern, TN

1st match
TJ Oriley vs the NEW anti-christ of wrestling Baby Juduz
Good match until MMMike got mad b/c "Lil Sarge" aka TJ Oriley started to get the best of Baby Juduz. winner by DQ: TJ Oriley. Afterwards MMMike and Baby Juduz handcuffed TJ and beat him down until Ricky Andrews hit the ring to make the save.

2nd match
Shannon Lee & Driveby vs Rocking Randy & Eric Hays
These 2 are starting to look real good as a tag team but in the end Shannon Lee and Driveby stole a win with all the cheating they where doing, and the fans got behind them telling the ref what Shannon Lee and Driveby were doing. Your winners: Shannon Lee and Driveby.

3rd match
X-treme Title match
Brandon Bobwire (XOW) vs Ricky Andrews/Ms. Jessica
The fans was cheering Ricky and Ms. Jessica and this made Bobwire a little mad b/c just 2 weeks ago they were cheering for him, but anyway they shook hands and started the match. Great match from the start to the finish, when Bobwire missed a big close line and Ricky put him in an abdominal stretch, and it looked like Andrews was getting the best of Bobwire when out of the blue Ms. Jessica jumped up on the ring apron and told Ricky to stop. Ricky went to Ms. Jessica and Bobwire from behind hit a huge choke slam and got the 1-2-3. After the match Ms. Jessica got the mic and told Ricky Andrews she was tired of him losing every week and not bringing home any money, and that she wanted a real man, a champion, NOT A LOSER. She left with Bobwire - what's going on with this?????

4th match
Sarge Oriley vs OZ (OZ's hair vs MMMike wearing a dress). Sarge and Mike was mad as hell b/c Bill Russ (the FTW Commissioner) made the match, b/c of last week when Sarge lost and had to wear a dress. Well this week Sarge told the fans that he was ready he could move around a lot better without that damn dress on and told them that OZ was going to be BALD tonight. Aslo he told OZ that he wasn't GAY and no funny stuff this The two tied up and the 1st thing OZ KISSED Sarge. He was pissed and sick, and said OZ tried to stick his tongue in his mouth. Well the beat down was on. Sarge was beating the crap out of OZ and laid him the 2 rope for MMMike to take care of business, when MMMike tried to hit OZ. OZ caught Mike's punch and grabbed him and laid "THE KISS FROM OZ" on Mike. THE CROWD WENT CRAZY when this happened, & Sarge thought that the fans was yelling for him. When Sarge turned around he saw what happened and grabbed OZ & shot him into the ropes. OZ ducked the close line grabed Sarge for the Oklahoma roll for the win. Ricky Andrews and TJ Oriley ran out with the dress and lip stick to help OZ put the dress on MMMike, but before they could get it on Juduz and Sarge did a huge beat down on all 3 guys. Sarge grabbed the clippers and Juduz held OZ while Sarge was going to cut his hair. At this point the 4 FTW security guards were trying to hold back a few mad fans. Mad Money Mike told Sarge NO - not OZ's hair - get your son! The fans couldn't beleive what was going on. Afterward Sarge told everyone, "I TOLD YOU FAT OVERWEIGHT TOOTHLESS PEOPLE SOMEONE WAS GETTING THEIR HAIR CUT!!!

Semi main
FTW heavyweight tittle match
Juduz/MMMike vs Tommy Redneck
This match was all Juduz. The huge and powerful Redneck tried everything in his book to beat Juduz. The fans were behind Redneck all through this match, but in the end, the monster from MMMike's monster factory was too much for Tommy Redneck. Your winner and still f.t.w. heavyweight champion: JUDUZ. MMMike told everyone there isn't any 1 man TOUGH ENOUGH to beat his monster.

Main event
Mark Justice, Devon Day & Aubern Thunder vs the Swagger Boys and Justin Hell. Good solid match as Aubern is putting herself in a man's shoes taking on guys instead of women's matches. At first it looked like the Swagger Boys (FTW Tag Team Champions) & Justin Hell was going to have a cake walk tonight with this match. Justice had a real bad ear infection and Devon's leg was still sore from the week before, so that left only Aubern to be the strong man on the team, so the Swagger Boys took control of this match. With 15 minutes gone and little time to still try to get the win, Aubern got the hot tag and Justice hit the hard Justice on Justin Hell for the win.

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