Monday, June 20, 2011

USWO/ATL card for Friday 6/24 in Nashville, TN

USWO/ATL card for Friday 6/24

From the Falkin' Hotline @ 615-664-1669

Main Event-USWO Championship
"The Headliner" Chris Michaels (c) vs Damien Payne (w/Mikey Jones & Devious Pie Guy Gordon & attorney Charles Jackson III)

"The Shelby Street Brawler" Jocephus vs "Mr 110%" LT Falk

Tim Renesto vs "Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant

Redneck Danny Copass vs Psycho Medic

USWO Music City Championship
Jason Xavier (c) vs Josh Crow vs Shawn Hoodrich

ATL Tag Team Championship
Fireball Roberts & ATL Jr. Champion Nick Iggy (c) vs Saint & Panther

"The Best Around" Toby Farley vs Kid Fresh Mike Cobbs

and other stuff

Credit: Mr. USWO @ Mid-Southern Wrestling message board

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