Thursday, June 23, 2011

Latest from Pro Wrestling Ohio

Now Online: PWO TV #123 - Fontaine vs. LaBar - Face-To-Face

PWO Wrestling - your televised pro wrestling alternative, with more guts, more desire, and more heart, from a young hungry roster competing to steal the show. Old school meets new age and tradition meets tomorrow, its pro wrestling the way you want it to be! It’s Cleveland-owned, nationally renowned!

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Scheduled for this week’s broadcast…

Marion Fontaine vs. Justin LaBar - Face-To-Face
A rivalry that started as a mere difference of opinions has crossed a line into very personal and physical animosity between the two. Wrestlezone journalist Justin LaBar’s candid opinions toward Marion Fontaine sent the “Megastar” into a rage, resulting in months of public humiliations, challenges, fights, suspensions, and controversial videos. This week, the restrictions are legally lifted, the waiver of liabilities are signed, and both Fontaine & LaBar, despite not “officially” being scheduled both have stated their intentions on appearing. This is the first time both of these men have been in a ring at once and anything is bound to happen with no legal restrictions holding either man back! Rumors has it both men are prepared for ANYTHING, and its expected that a MAJOR bombshell could be dropped that could change PWO Wrestling forever.

#1 Contender For PWO TV Title: Shiima Xion vs. Michael Façade vs. Jason Gory
There has been no shortage of contenders for Bobby Beverly’s PWO TV Title as of late, and PWO management has taken three of the best and placed them into one match to determine once and for all who is worthy of the title shot. Shiima feels its his destiny and birthright to wear PWO gold, to equal in wrestling the same success he’s seen as an international model. Gory is on a mission from Krimson, to gain possession of all PWO gold to hold the hopes and dreams of all wrestlers captive, and thus be able to destroy and control them. Meanwhile, Façade is the one who’s gotten it done in the ring - he’s pinned Beverly, just not in one-on-one competition thanks to a variety of outside factors. Only one man will get their opportunity to shine as the top contender of the TV Title division.

“Embodiment of Evil” Krimson vs. Hobo Joe
Krimson continues his mission of targeting ex-champions in PWO by picking on former co-holder of the PWO Tag Titles Hobo Joe. Krimson has let it be known his ultimate goal is Jason Bane and the PWO Title, to capture and destroy the hopes and dreams of all PWO stars. It’s Krimson’s belief that destroying that which they covet the most, will turn them all into the angry, brooding, empty entities that Krimson himself has become… and make them all follow his line of thinking. Can Krimson’s sinister plan get another step closer to fruition or can the double-tough Hobo Joe figure out this dark enigma?

Loser Out Of PWO Tag Title Picture: Nicki Valentino vs. Bryan Castle
Two of PWO’s more eccentric personalities do battle with an important stake - whomever loses this match, the team they represent will be out of contention for the PWO Tag Titles for the rest of the television season! Valentino represents former PWO Tag Champs Sex Appeal, who are looking to become the first team ever to two-peat on top. Castle represents himself as his trainer Brian Bender, who has had limited success in molding the jolly 350-pounder. Can Valentino use his 80s hi-jinx and crudely-made move list to succeed of can Castle show Bender he’s not a lost cause?

PLUS: We will announce the first matches confirmed for PWO Wrestlelution 4, discuss PWO’s debut on iPPV with and hear comments from stars such as Krimson, Aeroform, Ben Fruith and more!


All of this is in preparation for our biggest event ever - PWO Wrestlelution 4: Overdrive, Sunday afternoon, August 7 at the Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica at 3:00 pm. See the event live or join us on internet pay-per-view!

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PWO Wrestling is a regional independent professional wrestling organization based in Cleveland, Ohio and owned and operated by PWO Productions. PWO TV airs weekly, every Sunday night at 10:00 EST on Sports Time Ohio, official network of MLB’s Cleveland Indians. Sports Time Ohio is available in 4.5 million cable homes, and nationwide via premium satellite sports packages. We at PWO stress family-friendly entertainment and present some of the most compelling personalities in independent professional wrestling today including Johnny Gargano, “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross, Shiima Xion, Portia Perez, Jason Bane, Michael “The Bomber” Façade, Aeroform and more! Some of wrestling’s most timeless legends have also stepped foot in PWO, including Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, and King Kong Bundy. PWO is proud to work alongside several charitable organizations and worthy causes such as Cleveland’s Cops & Kids program, Cleveland Police Athletic League, the local Army National Guard, among others. Live events are held routinely throughout eastern Ohio. For more information on PWO, please visit or e-mail

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