Monday, June 27, 2011

Results: NWA ProSouth Wrestling, 06/25/11, from Piedmont, AL

NWA ProSouth Wrestling
627 Southern Ave
Piedmont, AL 36272

NWA ProSouth Heavyweight Champion: Brandon Collum
NWA ProSouth All-Out Champion: Tyler Gage
NWA ProSouth Tag Team Champions: Southern Stud Enterprises

1 - Epic Grant Mitchell & Scott Spade defeated Mike Posey & Chip Day and
JD Rush & "Stinger" Shawn Seagle in a threeway Elimination Tag match to
win the ProSouth Tag Team Titles!

2 - "Hell Hound" Joey Sartain defeated Seth Cruise with a Death Valley

3 - Damon TAZ and Johnny Slaughter brawled to a Double Count Out and had
to be pulled apart!

4 - Ace Haven defeated "Future Classic" Tyler Gage by DQ when Tyler Gage
struck a referee!


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