Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NWA Rampage Pro Wrestling Results for 8/7 in Warner Robins, GA

NWA Rampage Pro Wrestling at Johnny G's in Warner Robins, Ga., on August 7.

Anthony Andrews comes out very briefly to cut a promo about beating the law, a

reference to his victory over Officer Chris Jacobs at Sizzlin Summer Bash. He told the

crowd that he is still a winner, which is something they should all try being some

time. A constant joke between some of the fans is how Andrews is always the

opening match on the card. Though he did not compete, he was the first competitor

whose music played and entered the ring.

Sal Rinauro vs Drew Adler

Referee: Dustin Robinson

The match starts with Drew getting a Wrist Lock on Sal and the two continuously

reversing each other for about 2 minutes. Sal gains the upper hand and starts trash

talking about why he ditched Drew and Marv. Rope Choke by Sal broken at 4, followed

by a Drop Kick to Drew’s back. The fans start getting behind Drew and he briefly starts

fighting back but is stopped when Sal pokes him in the eyes. Sal takes Drew to the

mat and starts choking him until 4 and briefly leaves the ring, which gets the crowd to

start throwing insults at him. After Sal gets back in Adler makes another brief come

back, this time stopped by a Jawbreaker by Sal followed by a pin attempt. Adler

comes back with a series of blows and, after taking Sal down, lands a Slingshot

Senton from the Apron followed by a pin attempt. Adler delivers a boot to Sal and then

sets him up in what looks like a modified Fireman’s Carry. Sal escapes and lands a

German Suplex transitioned into a pin attempt. They both end up on the apron, where

Adler comes out of nowhere and slams Sal down, back and arm first, onto the apron.

The crowd gets behind Drew as Sal rolls into the ring saying he can’t feel his arm.

Adler, not buying Sal’s complaints, approaches but Sal kicks his knee from under him

and lands a Facebuster to pick up the victory.

Result: Sal Rinauro wins via Pinfall at 10:24

“Hit for Hire” Bobby Moore (w/ Charlie Cash) vs Frankie Valentine

Referee: Stan Robinson

Moore receives the usual “Barney” chants for his purple ring attire. After some

pressure in the turnbuckle, Frankie punches Moore in the face to the delight of the

crowd. Moore and Cash complain to the referee about Valentine’s closed fist

prompting the referee to tell Frankie that he needs to open them when exchanging

blows. Chin Lock by Bobby Moore countered into a Wrist Lock by Frankie, followed by

another punch to the face, again with a pop from the crowd. Moore and Cash start

complaining again and stating that he should be given the match and that Frankie

should be disqualified. This continues for about 4 minutes and includes a time when

Moore attempts to punch back but is blocked and punched again by Valentine. Things

start picking up when Frankie attempts a pin. Bobby delivers and elbow and Frankie

rolls out of the ring. Moore maintains control with a series of chops, elbows, and

punches. After being thrown out of the ring, Valentine is attacked by Charlie Cash

while Moore distracted Referee Stan Robinson. Moore then exits the ring and he and

Valentine go to exchanging blows. Back in the ring with a pin attempt by Bobby Moore.

Frankie briefly gains the upper hand but Moore dodges his Moonsault, leaving him

vulnerable for a pin attempt. Valentine attempts another come back with a Side

Russian Leg Sweep followed by a pin attempt. Moore comes back and plants

Valentine face first into the middle turnbuckle. Pin attempt by Moore, leading into

multiple pin attempts by both competitors. Valentine dodges a boot by Moore and hits

him with an Inverted Stomp Facebuster for the win.

Result: Frankie Valentine wins via Pinfall at 10:32

Starting the Show

Ben Masters gets in the ring. He talks about opening the show (possibly meaning the

first two matches and promo were all for Rampage Rewind) and starts talking about

the big card. He introduces Adam Pearce, who comes out with a Heel persona

insulting the fans in ways unfamiliar to the usual NWA Rampage crowd (mainly due

to his lack of family-friendly language). He starts talking about Zach Salvation, the

winner of the NWA Future Legends Tournament held at NWA Legends Fanfest just

the night before in Atlanta, when he’s interrupted by “We Want Bull” chants. Pearce

goes on to say that when he’s finished with Zach he’ll come back to Rampage to take

on the biggest and baddest guy they have to offer. Bull Buchanon comes out to

address Pearce. They both go on to express their mutual respect for each other and

ends with Bull telling Pearce that, respect aside, when Adam comes back he’ll do

what he always does (referring to his ability in the ring). Bull leaves the ring and

Pearce remains for his NWA World Heavyweight Championship match.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

“Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce (C) vs Zach Salvation

Referee: Dustin Robinson

There are noticeably more cameras around the ring for this match, possibly from

NWA Legends Fanfest. Wrist Lock by Adam Pearce countered into a Chin Lock by

Zach Salvation. Pearce comes back with a Leg Scissors. They continue to counter

each other for the first 2 minutes leading into a pin attempt by Salvation. The two start

exchanging blows, leading into Pearce planting Zach with a Gutwrench Suplex

following up with a pin attempt of his own. Zach rolls up Adam for a 2 count. Belly to

Belly by Pearce followed by a pin attempt. Monkey Flip by Salvation with his own pin

attempt following. Pearce starts bleeding from his forehead. Salvation sets up a

Fireman’s Carry but Pearce gets out. Pearce misses a jump and hurts his knee.

Salvation goes to pick him up in what looks like a German Suplex but Pearce lands a

Lariat out of nowhere for the win.

Result: Adam Pearce wins via Pinfall at 10:07

Who Said Tag Team Competitors Can’t Wrestle Alone?

Shaun Banks from Hot Like Lava comes out to say that Cru Jones was hung over

from partying all night and couldn’t make it to the show. Because of this, they wouldn’t

be able to defend their NWA Rampage Pro Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Doc Gayton

comes out and says that since that’s the case, Shaun Banks would have to compete

in a singles match. Banks claims that he can’t wrestle in singles matches because

he’s a tag team competitor. Doc references Shaun’s NWA Rampage Heavyweight

Title reign that lasted almost a full 6 months. Doc then went on to say that Banks

would be allowed to choose one of two men to be his opponent (the crowd knew he

was referring to the Usual Suspects) and that if Banks loses, Hot Like Lava will

defend their NWA Rampage Tag Titles against their team. The Usual Suspects come

out and corner Shaun Banks in the ring. Banks attempts to talk his way out but Doc

says that he will no longer be on the NWA Rampage roster if he refuses to compete.

If Shaun Banks loses, the Usual Suspects become the Number 1 Contenders for the

RPW Tag Team Titles

Shaun Banks vs Murder One (w/ AJ Steele)

Referee: Stan Robinson

Shaun doesn’t even get to say the name of his opponent. As soon as he raises a

finger to point at Muder One, the competitor Dark City attacks him relentlessly as AJ

Steele and Doc Gayton exit the ring. Banks is thrown outside but is quickly thrown

back in by AJ Steele. Murder attempts an early pin. Leg takedown by Murder One

followed by a running Senton and another pin attempt. Banks comes back and

manages to get Murder One outside of the ring, who is helped back in by AJ Steele.

Banks quickly uses the ropes to choke Murder One, breaking before 5. Pin attempt by

Banks. Murder briefly comes back but is stopped by Banks, with Banks attempting

another pin. Murder One comes back and lands his Cutter to Shaun Banks to pick up

the victory.

Result: Murder One wins via Pinfall at 4:31. The Usual Suspects are the Number 1

Contenders for NWA Rampage Tag Team Titles

If Jeremy Vain Loses, Frankie Valentine gets a shot at the NWA Rampage TV Title in a

No Time Limit Match

“Untouchable” Jeremy Vain (w/ “Pretty Boy” Doug Somers) vs Colt “Boom Boom”

Cabana (w/ Frankie Valentine)

Referee: Dustin Robinson

Cabana has the full support of the crowd. Vain trips getting back into the ring which

makes him the laughing stock of the match. Pin Attempt by Cabana after a Shoulder

Block. Vain continues to try avoiding Cabana through the match. Waist Lock by Vain

countered by Colt. After some brief humor at Referee Dustin Robinson’s expense,

Cabana makes a pin attempt over Vain. Cabana goes into the corner opposite of

Valentine, but Somers grabs his leg. Cabana informs Referee Dustin Robinson, who

sees it, before getting a knee from Vain. Somers is not dismissed from ring side.

Vain uses the ropes to choke Cabana and breaks before 5. Cabana comes back and

makes a pin attempt. Vain comes back and makes a pin attempt of his own, then

goes for a Sleeper Hold. The crowd gets behind Colt Cabana as he fights his way out

and makes a pin attempt. Cabana delivers a series of blows and ultimate picks up

the victory after Valentine thwarts a distraction from Doug Somers.

Result: Colt Cabana wins via Pinfall at 10:06

Rob Adonis (w/ Charlie Cash) vs “Marvelous” Michael Stevens

Referee: Stan Robinson

Marv starts with some humor stating that Adonis was bigger than he remembered.

Marv slaps Adonis in the face before leaving the ring. He sneaks behind Cash who is

arguing with the crowd to slap him in the face as well to the delight of the fans in

attendance. Adonis gains the upper hand and chokes Marv with the ropes when they

get back in the ring. Stalling Suplex by Adonis followed up with a pin attempt. Marv

lands a Jawbreaker but is still taken down by Adonis, who makes another pin

attempt. Body Slam by Adonis as he starts taunting Marv. Marv makes another brief

come back with an Enziguri but Adonis quickly takes him down. Rob makes another

pin attempt. Marv comes back with a Diving Moonsault followed by his own pin

attempt. Adonis comes back and locks in his Iron Claw and when the referee raises

Marv’s arm for the third time, Adonis prevents it from dropping. Adonis then plants

Marv with a Spinbuster for the win.

Result: Rob Adonis wins via Pinfall at 5:57

Jimmy Rave vs “The American Wolf” Davey Richards

Referee: Dustin Robinson

Richards came in wearing the Ring of Honor World Championship. Rave refuses to

shake hands with Richards, who offered it as a direct reference to the Code of Honor

in ROH. The match starts very technical with a series of reversals by both

competitors. Each competitor manages to get a very insulting slap on one another.

Drop kick by Richards and Rave exits the ring. Richards follows and wears Rave

down outside. They both end up on the apron. Rave plants Richards onto the apron

with a STO. Back in the ring with a pin attempt by Rave. After Richards briefly fights

back, Rave delivers and elbow followed by another pin attempt. Richards comes back

and locks in a Surfboard Stretch transitioned into a pin attempt. Rave comes back

and the action goes to the briefly goes to the outside of the ring. Pin attempt by Rave

upon getting back in. Rave continues to wear down Richards but is thrown outside.

When Rave gets back in, Richards lands a Drop Kick from the top rope. The two

exchange blows in the center of the ring. Spring Board kick to Rave’s face from

Richards followed by a pin attempt. The two go back to exchanging blows until

Richards manages another pin attempt and follows up with an Arm Bar. Rave

escapes and makes a pin attempt, and a series of pin attempts is made by both

competitors, notably after a Swinging Neckbreaker from Rave. The match ends with

Richards landing a Superplex, which transitioned into another Suplex, and finally into

an Arm Bar forcing Rave to tap out.

Result: Davey Richards wins via Submission at 13:36

No Need for a 6-Man

Corey Hollis, Chip Day, and Mike Posey all storm the ring and attack Richards. Kyle

Matthews, J-Rod, and Ace Rockwell make the save. Richards challenges Rave to

step into what was planned to be a 6-Man Tag Team match and make it an 8-Man

instead, to include Rave and Richards. Doc Gayton comes out to stand at ringside as

the match begins.

Davey Richards, Kyle Matthews, J-Rod, Ace Rockwell vs Corey Hollis, Mike Posey,

Chip Day, Jimmy Rave

Referee: Dustin Robinson

Jimmy Rave Approved tends to be very difficult to keep up with on paper, as all of

them are very sound technical wrestlers who are very good at getting in the ring

illegally and causing a lot of chaos. Rave and Richards start, with Richards having the

upper hand. Richards and his team continue to tag out while wearing Rave down,

ultimately resulting in J-Rod to enter. A few more quick tags are made by both teams,

with Hollis and Matthews being tagged in against each other and Chip Day and Davey

Richards being tagged in afterwards. Chip Day makes the first pin attempt over Davey

Richards. Chip goes to kick Richards, but is countered with a Corkscrew. J-Rod tags

in with a pin attempt. Posey and Rockwell tag in next. Posey gains the upper hand

and tags in Hollis. Ace takes advantage and wears down Hollis before tagging in

Richards. Rave tags in, wears down Richards, then tags out to Chip Day who

continues. Chip tags in Posey, and Jimmy Rave Approved pulls one of their usual tag

transition tricks where they all storm the ring, knocking the opposing team off their

corner and attacking the lone Richards before the referee finally regains control.

Hollis tags in and makes a pin attempt. Boston Crab by Hollis and Jimmy Rave

Approved, again, storms the ring, this time with opposition from the other team

resulting in Matthews breaking the Boston Crab. Posey tags in and wears down

Richards with a Leg Scissor Sleeper. Richards escapes but Rave tags in and

prevents him from reaching his corner. Richards makes a comeback and the crowd

starts a “Make the Tag” chant to support him. Kyle Matthews makes the hot tag and

clears the ring of the Jimmy Rave Approved members. Chip Day tags in and everyone

in the match ends up in the ring. Kyle’s team ends up gaining the upper hand and

using the Approved team’s tactics against them by ganging up on Chip Day as he

remains in the ring. Frog Splash and pin attempt by Matthews. The Approved

members attack Matthews again and Chip makes a pin attempt, which is broken by J-

Rod. Another huge brawl starts with all the competitors in the match, which is both in

and around the ring. During the confusion, Sal Rinauro enters on behalf of Jimmy

Rave Approved to interfere and knock out Matthews. Sal escapes under the ring and

Chip Day picks up the pin.

Result: Jimmy Rave Approved wins via Pinfall (Chip Day pins Kyle Matthews) at 12:30

But the Doc was Watching…

Doc Gayton, NWA Rampage Pro Wrestling’s chairman and acting general manager

exposes Sal Rinauro to the referee and reverses the decision of the match. During

the outrage from the Approved members, the opposing team storms the ring, locking

all of the Approved into different submission holds and watching as they all tap out.

Davey goes on to talk about how they all had the members tapping and how he will

be heading back home the next day. He puts over the NWA Rampage competitors by

saying he’s comfortable in saying that the crowd is “in good hands” before they start


Result: Match Decision Reversed. Kyle Matthews, Davey Richards, Ace Rockwell, and

J-Rod win.

Credit: Daniel Lumm @ GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com

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