Friday, August 5, 2011


Alright Vince, you like to do things in an “Over The Top” production, so here’s an angle that you’ll have a hard time topping, courtesy of yours truly, The “One & Only Universal Hearthrob” Austin Idol! I love a spectacle and I’ve played a integral part in more than I can remember. My e-mails lit up like Times Square on New Years Eve after last weeks column about a possible return Steel Cage match with Jerry “The King” Lawler! With a resounding response to the question, would this classic rematch be box office, the overwhelming answer was YES!

Ya see Vincent Kennedy McMahon, Austin Idol likes to think “Over The Top” as well, so lets blow the roof off any venue you want to schedule this blockbuster event but, lets sweeten the pot for our gazillion WWE fans! I’ll take Lady Gaga as a second, meaning Gaga will be in my corner! Lawler can have Cameron Diaz as his second, meaning she’s in his corner! So, you love a spectacle do ya, well it won’t get much better than this! Talk about what could go down in the record books as an all time blockbuster, this one has all the components and then some! There’s only one more piece to this Explosive Galactical Event that needs to be in place. Guess what it is? It’s you Vince, as the special referee, dressed in proper black and white striped shirt and of course black pants, perfect for evening wear!

As a fan of shear unbridled entertainment, can you just imagine this wild and crazy experience? Who I ask, wouldn’t plunk down their hard earned money to watch this one? Think of the possibilities all you geniuses out there? Would Gaga do something “Not So Lady Like” and cause Lawler to lose? Would Cameron “Hot Body” Diaz pull some Hollywood stunt to cause Idol to lose? Stop, wait, “Holy Heiarchy” Batman! What about Vince McMahon? Could or would Vince pull something out of his trick bag to cause either Idol or Lawler to lose? Well, we all know that Vince is capable of anything and everything! Lets play a game of John Lennon and “Imagine” Vince causes one of us to lose?

Can you look into your crystal ball and see the possibilities? Idol vs Vince, Lawler vs Vince, Idol vs Vince with Lawler as a special Ref, Lawler vs Vince with Idol as a special Ref, and the beat goes on! Are you asking yourself if Austin Idol has the mind of a mad scientist or his he just your average brilliant mind with an unlimited creative capacity? Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, what I’m proposing for Vince and company is nothing short of the “Mother Load” of $$$! Can you say, “Cha-Ching”?

As a small footnote, “The Idol” is in tremendous condition, working out six days a week, jogging 20 miles a week, and to prove it all you have to do is come see me Saturday Aug.6, 2011 at the NWA Legends Fanfest In Atlanta, Ga! I’ll be there signing autographs from 11:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. As an added bonus, Tommy “Wildfire” Rich and I will be paired up with Jerry “The King” Lawler for an unbelievable fan photo opp. from 1:15 P.M.-3:30 P.M! No worries Lawler, I won’t shave your head again, at least not here!

Well Vince, game on? P.S. Austin Idol 4 President 2012 still rules! Check it out here:

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