Saturday, January 1, 2011

Interviews 2010

We had a very productive year in 2010.  We were able to get a bunch of great interviews.  Below is the complete listing for all posted video interviews.

We met Mick Kelleher, one of my childhood favorites, at CitiField.  Kelleher was very generous with his time and shared the story of his battle with Dave Kingman, among other topics.  To watch the Kelleher interview, click here.

We talked to Yankees coach Tony Pena about travel and George Kontos (a local player in the Yankees system).  Like Kelleher, Pena also played in Chicago, but much later, briefer and on the south side.  To watch the Tony Pena video, click here.

We interviewed The Ghoul at the Motor City Comic Con in Novi (MI).  The Ghoul spoke about his favorite movies and how he still has fun and still is popular after so long in the business.  To watch the Ghoul interview, click here.

I had a lengthy conversation with former NHL goalie Dave Dryden.  Dryden discussed his career and SCAW (Sleeping Children Around the World), a foundation founded by his parents.  To watch the Dryden video, click here.

I chatted briefly with pitcher Andrew Cashner as he headed into the dugout before a game at Wrigley Field.  Cashner talked about his favorite city.  To watch the Cashner video, click here.

I talked to Cubs coach Matt Sinatro during warmups before a game at Wrigley Field.  Aside from joking that I didn't even know him (although I totally did), Sinatro talked about his favorite cities.  To watch the Sinatro video, click here.

After waiting for local reporter Paula Faris interview Tyler Colvin, I turned the tables on her, by interviewing her.  To watch the Faris video, click here.

Good timing allowed me to be at the park the day after Piniella announced he would not return in 2011.  I was part of a gaggle of reporters who got to interview Cubs coach and possible successor Alan Trammell.  To see part of that experience, click here.

We lucked out by almost accidentally interviewing pitching legend and Twins broadcaster Jack Morris in the press box at Target Field.  Morris talked about his favorite cities.  To watch the Morris interview, click here.

We talked to Twins manager Ron Gardenhire in the dugout while rain washed out batting practice.  Gardenhire talked about his favorite cities and hotels, including one with a pool table in his room.  To watch the Gardenhire video, click here.

After our dugout interview, we were invited into Gardenhire's office for the usual pre-game press session.  Gardenhire talked about the weather and a couple of injured Twins.  To watch the Gardenhire office video, click here.

After years of talking to longtime friend and Twins coach Rick Stelmaszek, I officially talked to him in the Twins dugout.  Stelmaszek discussed his favorite cities, his longevity and the playoff hopes of the Twins.  To watch the Stelmaszek video, click here.

It's always extra special to interview a player like Jim Thome.  The former White Sox slugger talked to us in the Twins dugout.  To watch the Thome video, click here.

Chuck landed an interview with White Sox pitcher Sergio Santos.  They talked about some great travel destinations.  To watch the Santos interview, click here.

We had a great interview with Tony Oliva, but unfortunately camera problems eliminated the actual interview.  Oliva talked fondly of old ballparks and old times, but also spoke highly of Target Field.  The interview was great and the man was truly special.  To read more about the Oliva interview, click here.

I caught Twins pitcher Matt Guerrier as he headed into the dugout.  Guerrier talked about travel and the Twins.  To watch the Guerrier interview, click here.

We might have infringed a bit on a segment for an official mlb production, but we did manage to get a quick few thoughts from Twins slugger Michael Cuddyer.  To watch the Cuddyer video, click here.

Before a game at Minute Maid Park, I caught Jeff Bagwell as he waited for his Astros to get in the batting area.  Bagwell talked about being back and about travel.  To watch the Bagwell video, click here.

My nephew Matt got in the act by getting his first interview with Michael Bourn.  Bourn initially said he needed to take batting practice, but he did come back to Matt and talked about travel.  To watch the Bourn video, click here.

I managed to get Mets manager Jerry Manuel as he headed to the batting area.  Manuel talked about his favorite city.  To watch the Manuel video, click here.

I talked to Astros manager Brad Mills as he headed back into the dugout.  Mills talked about his favorite city.  To watch the Mills video, click here.

Matt crossed the field to get Mets outfielder Jeff Francouer.  Francouer talked about his favorite city.  To watch the Francouer video, click here.
After Matt spotted him, I interview former Astros pitcher Jim Deshaies.  We talked about his favorite cities and his Hall of Fame vote.  To watch the Deshaies video, click here.

I talked to Mets coach Razor Shines after he had met a bunch of fans.  Shines talked fondly of his time playing in Montreal and his time coaching for the White Sox.  To watch the Shines interview, click here.

Matt finished his interview trifecta with Mets infielder Michael Hessman.  Hessman talked about travel.  To watch the Hessman video, click here.

After an earlier camera botch ruined an interview with Jamie Quirk at Wrigley Field, I got him in Minute Maid Park.  We talked about travel.  To watch the Quirk video, click here.

For the third straight year, we talked to wrestling personality Christy Hemme.  Hemme updated us on her new marriage, her band (Hemme) and her favorite travel spots.  To watch the Hemme interview, click here.

After missing her in 2009, we once again interviewed Beth Horn.  Horn talked to us about her acting career, American Gladiators and her favorite travel locations.  To watch the Horn interview, click here.

Diamond Dallas Page briefly talked to us to promote Johngy's Beat and his own site.  DDP gave a summary of his site and his workout program.  To watch the DDP video, click here.

We talked to wrestling legend and author Mick Foley at Wizard World in Chicago.  Foley raved about Johngy's Beat and promoted his book Countdown to Lockdown.  To watch the Foley video, click here.

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