Monday, April 11, 2011

Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebs.

When we last saw my old Sacred Heart classmate Mary Jovanovich Brazzale, she was posing with Bill Wennington (a former Bull who was wearing a Blackhawks jersey).  Mary went from posing with an NBA champion to posing with an NHL champ when she got a picture with Jonathan Toews of the Blackhawks.
Mary and her family are huge Blackhawks fans.  If she isn't at the game, she is probably watching it somewhere.
I always enjoy Mary's Blackhawks-related posts on Facebook.  Hopefully, in a few weeks, she will be posting another picture of her husband with the Stanley Cup, like she did last year.
I also always enjoy pictures from my old classmates.  I am hoping for more classmates to appear here, but I am pretty sure that Mary will make more appearances.  She seems to meet a lot of the players.  What is her secret?  Even with my press passes, I have a hard time meeting as many players.
 Mary Jovanovich Brazzale and Jonathan Toews in Chicago, IL-Early 2011.

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