Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Arn Anderson For the Hall of Fame

Marty Lunde debuted in pro wrestling in 1982.  Because he strongly resembled veteran wrestler Ole Anderson, Lunde became Arn Anderson and started teaming with Ole as the Minnesota Wrecking Crew.  By 1986, they were aligned with Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard, collectively known as the Four Horsemen.
Flair would go on to have a legendary career.  While Anderson was usually connected to Flair, he never captured the big titles, but did win many tag titles and lesser singles titles.  Still, Anderson carved out a great career by being "the Enforcer".  His interviews were quiet, but intense.  His in ring work was no-nonsense.  A neck injury ended his career slightly prematurely and he now works as an agent for the WWE.
From all accounts, Anderson is awesome to meet.  He is cordial, gracious and appreciative of his fans.  That doesn't surprise me, as Anderson is pretty old school.  He is very protective of the business he loves and he is a great ambassador for it.
With this year's WrestleMania being in Atlanta (home of the now defunct WCW) and the Hall of Fame class having a WCW flavor,  I thought Anderson was a sure bet.  Maybe they are waiting for Ric Flair to leave TNA and rejoin WWE to induct Anderson.  With the WWE and wrestling, you just never know.  I do know that Anderson is a true classic and deserves enshrinement.
Arn Anderson in Atlanta, GA-Late 2000's.

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