Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chachi Tales

How many of us can say we got a massage from a Hall of Famer?  Not a Hall of Fame masseuse either (is there a HOF for masseuses?).  Chuck got a massage from Joe Morgan, a Hall of Fame baseball player.
As far as massages go, it definitely was not a Hall of Fame massage.  It was more like a cup of coffee.  Nonetheless, it was officially logged in as a massage.
Chuck was eating in the pressbox at Dodger Stadium and Joe Morgan walked in.  While Morgan wasn't very talkative on the field that day, he acknowledged Chuck's greeting with a two-handed grab of Chuck's shoulders.  He squeezed a bit and rubbed a bit (all occurring in a matter of seconds, but time enough).
Chuck and Morgan exchanged pleasantries before Morgan moved on to the next group of reporters.  It should be noted that Morgan did not massage any other reporter there that day.
Chuck uttered his usual "We're all professionals", while making sure I logged in his HOFer massage.  Now I am taking it one step further and putting up here for everyone to know.  Congrats Chuck.
Joe Morgan and Chuck Gekas in Los Angeles, CA-June 2008.

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