Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Batman Meets Batman

At a Hollywood Celebrities Show several years ago, I witnessed the crossing paths of two Batman past and present.  Adam West (Batman from tv and my youth) briefly chatted with Val Kilmer (the most recent big screen Batman at that time).
I have written about West's rigid stance about unauthorized picture-taking, but I couldn't let this moment pass without trying.  I managed to snap the picture below.  While it might not be the best shot, at least it did not incur the wrath of West (or perhaps he just didn't notice because of my sly photography skills.  Either way, I am glad I got the two Batmen in one shot. 
I don't know why some celebrities will pose with others and some won't.  I also don't know why some conventions organize such photo-ops.  I just know that multiple (connected) celebs together for photos is very popular with attendees
Val Kilmer and Adam West in Rosemont, IL-Late 1990's.

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