Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nice Guy Johnny Whitaker

Not all child stars turn out to be fodder for tabloid tv shows.  Some grow up into nice people with their feet firmly planted on the ground.
Johnny Whitaker is one of my favorite former child stars.  Whitaker first starred as Jody on tv's Family Affair and followed that with a role as Johnny on Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.  Whitaker also appeared in some movies and other episodic tv. He pretty much stopped acting in early adulthood and did some missionary work.
I have met Whitaker a few times and he is really simply genuinely nice.  He talks fondly about this time in th limelight, but he shows no signs of regret.  He seems happy and it comes off so refreshing.  I always come away from meeting him feeling good.  It's a nice mix of nostalgia nd contentment.
Johnny Whitaker and me in Rosemont, IL-Mid 1990's.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Coke Bear Bites Back

Last week while in Las Vegas, I visited the Coca-Cola store.  I was greeted by the Coca-Cola bear.  I don't think he has a name (like Coca-Cola the Bear or Coke Bear).  To be totally accurate, he is a polar bear and he was introduced in 1993.
I immediately jumped at the chance to take a picture with the bear.  Maybe he was hungry or maybe he was mad at me for drinking so much Coke (actually, shouldn't he be happy that I drink Coke?), but he tried to bite my head off.  Seriously!  Look at the picture below.  I have proof and I might look to sue Coca-Cola.  Of course, I would be willing to settle out of court for a case or two of my favorite beverage!
The Coke Bear and me in Las Vegas, NV-March 2011.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Batman Meets Batman

At a Hollywood Celebrities Show several years ago, I witnessed the crossing paths of two Batman past and present.  Adam West (Batman from tv and my youth) briefly chatted with Val Kilmer (the most recent big screen Batman at that time).
I have written about West's rigid stance about unauthorized picture-taking, but I couldn't let this moment pass without trying.  I managed to snap the picture below.  While it might not be the best shot, at least it did not incur the wrath of West (or perhaps he just didn't notice because of my sly photography skills.  Either way, I am glad I got the two Batmen in one shot. 
I don't know why some celebrities will pose with others and some won't.  I also don't know why some conventions organize such photo-ops.  I just know that multiple (connected) celebs together for photos is very popular with attendees
Val Kilmer and Adam West in Rosemont, IL-Late 1990's.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Friendly Encounters

This is a series dedicated to my friends meeting celebrities.

When we last featured Rob Mackowiak, it was in a post with Steve of White Sox Cards.  They went to Oak Lawn Community High School together.  Today, I am featuring Mackowiak with two friends of mine, both named Scott.
Pork is my brother-in-law and Swede is his long-time friend (and my not-quite as long time friend).  I met Swede through Pork.  Both Scotts share a passion for beating me (and they have done it often...too often actually).  Pork has won more than his fair share of bets with me, while Swede has dominated me in the highly respected Boone Fantasy League.  Both trends have slightly turned in my favor of late, but I'll say that quietly so as not to incur the famous and highly effective Swede Curse (I'm still reeling from the effects of one particular curse placed upon me in Houston a few years back).
This last winter, Pork and Swede joined a bunch of their friends in Mexico for a wedding.  Also at the wedding was Mackowiak, a friend of the bride's family.  By all accounts, Mackowiak was just a regular nice guy.   The Scotts got a chance to talk baseball and have a good time with Mackowiak, but we all know their main goal was to land right here in Friendly Encounters.
 Scott Parker, Rob Mackowiak and Scott Olofsson in Mexico-Winter 2010.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The New WWE Divas

The WWE seems to have gone on a Diva hiring spree as of late with Brandi Reed, Irena Janjic, Kia Stevens (Awesome Kong) and Tenille Dashwood all being signed.
But how do they rate up against some of the best Divas the WWE has had like Victoria, Lita, Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim and Molly Holly?

Brandi Reed - wrestling news and rumors
Yep...Brandi Reed is pretty. But can she take a RKO?

Well Brandi Reed is absolutely gorgeous, but she's a model.
Okay, a lot of Divas started out as models so I'm not gonna go back there again and whine about that.
Irena Janjic was trained by Lance Storm at his pro wrestling school, the Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta and she competed in the Prairie Wrestling Alliance in Canada.
So she really can wrestle.
Ditto for Tenille Dashwood who has not only also trained by Lance Storm, but wrestled for PWA and several promotions in Australia as well.
And of course Kia Stevens (Awesome Kong) has been in wrestling for close to nine years already.
Not a "new" Diva to say the least.

Awesome Kong - wrestling superstars
I bet Kong will look like this in the WWE...

So this time around, the WWE only snagged one model.
Could it be that they are actually beginning to look at the Divas as actual wrestlers?
Or will they take the two rising stars and veteran and just use them in garbage roles?
Can we look forward to a renewal of the Gail Kim/Kong feud?
(So they actually use Gail for something?)
Or could we even hope for a Beth Phoenix/Kong feud?
Can Beth military press Kong?
Will we even get to see anything like that, or will Kong be made Michael Cole's bodyguard or something equally stupid?

I've given the WWE the benefit of the doubt before.
It didn't get me anywhere.

Before I's a crazy idea.....

Why not take the new girls (with the exception of Kong of course) and put them in FCW?
Then take some of the girls in FCW like AJ and Naomi and move them up to the big WWE TV shows like Raw and/or Smackdown.
That way these ladies that have been gutting it out in Florida will be rewarded for all their time and effort.
And the new hires don't go right into the "major league" over their heads.

The New WWE Divas, posted to March 27th, 2011

Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle

Despite having a severely injured neck, Kurt Angle won a gold medal in wrestling in the 1996 Olympic Games.  While this sounds more like a pro wrestling storyline, it's true.  It's damn true (to borrow Kurt's catchphrase).
Following his amazing effort in the Olympics, Angle did go into a career in pro wrestling.  Over the years, he has won 13 world heavyweight championships between his time in the WWE and TNA.
Angle's character has usually remained similar to his perceived real life persona.  He was one of the first wrestlers to use legit MMA-type submission moves.  He is viewed as a legitimate tough guy.
Angle has also shown his comedic side at times.  He has worked both as a face and a heel.  Basically, I am saying Angle can and has done it all.
I met Angle at a promotional event near Chicago.  He had one of the longest lines waiting for him.  To his credit, Angle did his best to accommodate everyone.  I am willing to bet a few people walked away unhappy and probably bad-mouthed him.  This is always a no-win situation while signing autographs.  You have to stop at some point and someone will usually end up mad.
In this case, Angle did his best, like he always does in the ring.  It was a pleasure meeting him, as it has been a pleasure watching him perform for all f these years.
Kurt Angle in Rosemont, IL-October 2008.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celeb Jersey Cards #45 Christian Slater & David Duchovny

This is a regular series which combines my love of bubblegum cards and my interest in celebrities.

Today I am having a Dodgers doubleheader.  Christian Slater is a fine actor.  I have enjoyed his work since Heathers from 1988.  Slater went all out to earn his first Celebrity Jersey Card, donning a cap and wearing #32, that of Hall of Famer Sandy Koufax.
David Duchovny hunted Aliens on the X-Files.  Would he chase outside curveballs?  We don't really know, but I do know that he looks quite at home in a Dodgers uni with the shades.  He also looks right on a 1988 Celebrity Jersey Card.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart

Even a casual wrestling fan of the 1980's would recognize Jimmy Hart.  I first saw him as an annoying manager of several "heel" tag teams.  In that pre-internet era, behind the scenes stuff was unseen in the world of wrestling.
I had no idea Hart was an excellent musician.  In fact, he wrote many of the theme songs used by wrestlers back then.  Even more impressive, he was in the Gentrys, a band from the 1960's.  Their big hit was "Keep On Dancing" (although Hart was not the lead singer on it).
Hart has been a tireless and creative force in wrestling for decades.  He is also one of the nicest people around.  I have seen him pose for pictures and sign autographs long after his scheduled sessions were to end.  I have talked to him several times about a multitude of subjects and he always gives full attention during each chat.  The guy must have an endless supply of energy and enthusiasm.
Jimmy Hart and me in Kokomo, IN-October 2007.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Old Times at Comiskey Park

Many of my fellow bloggers like to determine the date of game played for baseball cards featuring in-game shots.  Their determination and eye for detail amazes me.  Of course, it also inspires me to try to do the same for some old pictures I have.
Below is a picture of Matt Keough of the Oakland A's warming up before a game against the Whte Sox in Comiskey Park.  I think I have figured out which game this was.
At first, I thought it was from 1981.  However, on second study of box scores, that was a doubleheader in which Keough pitched the second game.  It had a stated attendance of over 25,000.  These two facts made me realize it couldn't be that game.
Looking at the stands, there aren't that many people..  This was back when double-headers weren't played as day-night.  I doubt that many people would have left after game one.  I also don't think Keough would have warmed up prior to the first game if he was starting the second.
This lead me back to the boxscores and ultimately to September 16, 1979.  The Sox beat Keough and the A's 5-2 in front of about 11,000 fans (this also explains the lack of fans in the stands).
My only problem with this theory is the #25 in the A's uniform in the background.  There was no #25 on the 1979 A's, unless it was a coach.
I am disappointed that I could not pinpoint this game, but I am not going to lose sleep or anything.  Maybe I'll have more luck with pictures in the future.  Either way, as always I love the nostalgia of the picture.
Matt Keough in Comiskey Park in Chicago, IL-September 1979.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Rick Stelmaszek Saga:Part 18

I routinely check Ebay for oddball items of may favorite celebs.  For athletes, that usually means scrolling by a bunch of trading cards, signed index cards and a handful of signed balls.  Occasionally though, I find some very cool items, like the picture below.
I have written about Rick Stelmaszek a few times before, so I will spare all the whole story.  As most know, he was a backup catcher, the husband of my third grade teacher and is currently a coach for the Minnesota Twins.
In 1971 and 1972 he played for the Denver Bears, a AA minor league affiliate of the Texas Rangers.  The picture below is from his time with Denver.  He is the catcher and unfortunately for him, it looks like the runner was safe.
I love old photos like this.  I just wish they were a bit cheaper on Ebay.  I know it is a free marketplace and the seller has every right to name his sale price.  My problem is that there are a bunch of these type of pictures out there that I would like to purchase, but at the standard sales price of about $15, I can't justify buying more than a couple.
Oh well, while I cannot buy as many as I would like, I can at least enjoy the pictures and present them here for your enjoyment.  I just wonder who the baserunner was.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebs.

In one of our first attempts to gain access to a pressbox, we failed (but just barely) to work our magic at the Metrodome in Minneapolis.  As we were walking away, we were already planning on how to make the next attempt a success (and we have achieved that goal).
Suddenly Chuck (ever the eagle eye) looked up and noticed Bert Blyleven walking towards the pressbox.  While we might not have been fully accredited press members, we were armed with our baseball knowledge and street smarts.
Translation...I called out to Mr. Blyleven and Chuck immediately threw out a few of his stats and Chuck's belief that Blyleven deserved Hall of Fame status (which he did gain this year).  Although rushed, Blyleven couldn't have been nicer, posing for pictures with both of us separately.
Three years later, we would meet Blyleven again, but this time actually as press members in the Twins pressbox.  We were talking to Jack Morris (a Twins broadcaster who also arguably belongs in the HOF).  We did greet Blyleven (we're all professionals here), but we stuck with the interview with Morris (press etiquette).
With Blyleven's HOF induction, the picture below features two Hall of Famers in my humble opinion).

Chuck Gekas and Bert Blyleven at the HHH Dome in Minneapolis, MN-June 2007.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Murray Baaaaaaannerman

Murray Bannerman spent 7 seasons with the Chicago Blackhawks, playing twice in the NHL All-Star game. 
Bannerman came to the Hawks from the Vancouver Canucks.  He shared the goaltender position with future Hall of Famer Tony Esposito for four years, but he gained more playing time each season.  Taking over for a legend like Tony O is never easy, but Bannerman performed quite well and made his own mark in the Hawks history.
Bannerman was also quite popular, in part because of the great calls by Hawks announcer Pat Foley.  Any Hawks fan from that era should fondly remember Foley's excited shout of  "Baaaaannnnnnnnerrrmannn" for every big save the goalie made.
When I met Bannerman, He talked very fondly of his time with the Hawks.  He loved playing in the old Chicago Stadium and was proud to have played with Esposito.  Like many ex-hockey players, he seemed genuinely touched by the number of fans and their continued fandom for former players.
Murray Bannerman and me in Highland Park, IL-Spring 2010.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Celeb Jersey Cards #44 Joe Sakic and Curt Schilling

This is a regular series which combines my love of bubblegum cards and my interest in celebrities.

Today, as hockey gears up for the playoffs and baseball gears up for the season to start, I am presenting a bit of reverse hockey-baseball symmetry.
Joe Sakic played 20 seasons with the Quebec Nordiques/Colorado Avalanche, retiring after the 2008-09 season.  His number has been retired by the Avalanche and he is a good bet to eventually make the hockey Hall of Fame.  When he threw out the first pitch for the Colorado Rockies, he assured himself a spot on a Celebrity Jersey Card.
Like Sakic, Curt Schilling also had a 20 year career.  Unlike Sakic, Schilling played for five teams.  Schilling's future enshrinement in basball's HOF is debatable, but I would guess probable.  Schilling flip-flopped sports with Sakic when he dropped the first puck at a Phoenix Coyotes game.  He also earned a Celebrity Jersey Card.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Where are Bob Boyd and Sansi Mitchell?

While I was in college, I worked for a company called Cresmer, Woodward, O'Mara and Ormsbee (CWO&O).  It was a newspaper advertising representative, handling about 75 newspapers across the country.  I did a lot of assistant work for the salespeople and even helped put together a few ads over the years.
This post isn't about me though.  It's about Sansi Mitchell and Bob Boyd, two of the salespeople there.  More specifically, it is about where they are today.
Actually, I have no idea where they are.  I am hoping that someday someone (maybe even one or both of them) might see this and get in touch with me about their whereabouts.
Bob and Sansi were a few years older than me, but they were good friends to me during our time there.  Both gave me advice and even an occasional lunch.
Sansi left first to pursue her education further.  I believe she is still in the Chicago area.
Bob was still there when I left to start my careeer at Lerner Newspapers.  Bob seemed to be climbing the company ladder, but last I heard he was not with the newest version of CWO & O (renamed, but I forget the new name).
It would be awesome if this lead to either contacting me.  I'd love to do some catching up with my old buds.  If that happens, I'll definitely report it here.
Bob Boyd, Sansi Mitchell and me in Chicago, IL -Mid 1980's.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snooki at WrestleMania...Yay

snooki - jersey shore - wrestlemania

I was gonna complain about the 6-person mixed tag team match at WrestleMania XXVII with Trish Stratus, the Jersey Shore's Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and John Morrison taking on Dolph Ziggler and LayCool.
But I think that Renee Gerber over at bleacher report says all that needs to be said about that.
You can read that article here.
All I can say is that Snooki being involved in the only "Divas match" at WrestleMania makes me about as happy as when K-Fed pinned Cena on Raw that night.
And I have said that before.

How long has it been since the WWE had a real female wrestling match at a WrestleMania?
Last year at WrestleMania XXVI we had the 10-Diva tag team match with Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Layla and Maryse defeating Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Gail Kim and Eve Torres.

WrestleMania XXV - Santina Marella
Snooki's first appearance at ...wait...that's Santina...sorry.

The year before that at WrestleMania XXV we had the 25-Diva battle royal for the Miss WrestleMania Crown that "Santina Marella" won.
At WrestleMania XXIV we had the BunnyMania Lumberjack match with Beth Phoenix and Melina (again with Santino Marella) beating Maria and Ashley.
At WrestleMania 23 we had another Lumberjill match for the WWE Women's Championship with Melina beating Ashley.
WrestleMania 22 was the Pillow Fight between Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson which Torrie won.
Before that at WrestleMania 21 in 2005, we had what could really be the last legitamate singles match at WrestleMania for the WWE Women's Championship when Trish Stratus beat Christy Hemme (with Lita).
But I think the last real singles match was back in 2004, when Victoria beat Molly Holly.
Even though the match had a "hair versus hair" gimmick, it was an actual match.
No Lumberjills, no pillows, no one in the corner, a man didn't win the match etc.

So I guess I shouldn't expect anything from the WWE this year huh?

I just keep hoping.

Snooki at WrestleMania...Yay, posted to on March 17th, 2011

Autograph Tales:

One of my earliest through the mail autograph requests was to Len Rohde, a former offensive tackle for the San Francisco 49'ers.  Rohde had an excellent 15 year career, but had moved into the restaurant business. I found out he owned a couple Burger King restaurants and I sent him a note to one of them.
Rohde responded very quickly, returning my card signed.  He also included a business card which entitled me to have a Whopper on him at one of his BK locations.  I thought that was the coolest thing.  Of course, I never would have cashed in that coupon, because it was worth more to me than the price of a Whopper.
Also notable is the card I sent was pretty badly off center, as you can see from the picture below.  This was in the days before the internet and before I knew about AU Sports.  The only singles cards I had were ones I bought from packs over the years.  Now, I would have gotten a better card to send, but no big deal.  As a teen age novice autograph collector, I was very happy with the outcome.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On the Beat with Steve Mapel-Part 2

This is part 2 of my Q&A with Steve Mapel, a former pitcher in the Minnesota Twins organization.  I first met Mapel on a family trip to see the Wisconsin Rapids Twins, mainly because they were managed by our neighbor Rick Stelmaszek.

Q-What part of your career gets you as excited as playing?
SM-What part of my career now gets me as excited as playing?  Nothing.  I can't compare the two.  There was nothing that compared to playing professional baseball, something you LOVED to do, and was getting paid to do it, the traveling, the experience of meeting people, and playing with, and against some players that you grew up idolizing.  For a short time, I was one of them.......for a short time.   Even though I enjoy what I am doing now, it's not really comparable.  I am coaching baseball now for my 15 year old son's team.  I still love baseball, it's still a passion of mine.  Trying to pass on what I've learned over the years.

Q-Have you kept in contact with any former teammates?
SM-Over the years, I've played with and against a lot of stars.  I have kept in contact with some.  My first roommate in my first year was Tarry Boelter.  He was a second baseman for Minnesota, playing with Paul Molitor as his shortstop. We talk on the phone a couple of times a year, and we try and get together every couple of years.  I have met Molitor, and we followed his career in the bigs, when ours was done in the minors.   I played high school baseball with Jim Wright, the bullpen coach for the Rockies.  We just saw him last year.  Scott Ulger, the 3rd base coach for the Twins, I still get out to the Royals games and talk to him.  Ron Washington, the manager for the Rangers, was my AAA team's 3rd baseman.  I missed seeing him the last time.  But, I played against Wade Boggs, Cal Ripken Jr.  Billy Ripken, Bye Bye Steve Balboni to name a few.
I'm getting too old now, everybody I played with are just about retired as coaches now. Gaetti, I played with in College at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville MO.  We also played on the AA team together where we won the AA Southern League Championship in 1981 in Orlando, FL.  Tim Laudner, Scott Ulger, Randy Bush were part of that team.  I still wear the ring today.

Q-Do you follow the Twins now?
SM-I still follow the Twins today.  Our family took a vacation two years ago and went to the Twins game in Minnesota.  It was great.  It was inside the dome.  I try a get out to the games when they are here in Kansas City.  But I'll watch all the teams, it doesn't really matter who's playing.
My favorite vacation destination has to be Florida.  It's warm there.  Arizona is nice, and Colorado is beautiful.   I like Colorado in the summer more than the winter.

I had a pretty good career over all.  I played for 5 years, had an overall record of 60-39  if you count instructional ball, winter ball and the Mexican league.
I made the A Allstar team in 1979, AA Allstar team in 1980 and 1981.  I played Instructional ball in 1979.  I played in Venezuela with Davey Concepcion in 1980 and the Mexican League in 1982.  I was not drafted, so I was not in their plans in the big leagues from the start.  But I was able to hold on for 5 years.  My only regret, to this day, was not getting a chance to play in the big leagues.  But that's water under the bridge.

I really appreciate Mapel's time and cooperation.  Thirty years ago, I was an excited teen meeting ball players.  Now I am happy to be able to hear more about their careers and life after baseball.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

On the Beat with Steve Mapel-Part 1

A few weeks ago, I made contact with George Dierberger who I first met about 30 years ago when he was playing for the Wisconsin Rapids Twins.  I enjoyed that so much that I looked up some other players from the WR Twins whom I had met back then. 
Steve Mapel pitched for 5 seasons in the Minnesota Twins farm system, compiling a 40-31 record and was on the WR Twins when my family went to see them.  He answered all of my questions which you will see below and tomorrow.

Q-How did it feel the first time you saw yourself on a baseball card and was asked for an autograph?
SM-The first time I saw myself on a baseball card and was asked for my autograph was my first year in pro ball...1978, in Rookie league in Elizabethton, TN.  It was an amazing feeling to say the least.  I was already on cloud 9, beginning to live a dream.  There's a great feeling of accomplishment that comes to you, but also knowing there's a lot of hard work to do.  I loved every minute of it.  I sent home some of my baseball cards to my family.  It wasn't long before I found out that my two younger brothers, ages 9 and 13, were trying to sell them.  I'm not sure how that went.

Q-You pitched briefly in 1982, then never again.  Why did you leave baseball?
SM-1982, my 5th year in pro ball, I went to spring training still as a starting pitcher, like I have been my entire career.  This year they drafted a bunch of young pitchers.  They began using me as a reliever.  I told them that if this is my ticket to the big leagues, then I am all in.  They tried to hold me back and send me to AA again.

But I did well in spring training so they sent me to AAA Toledo Ohio to be a reliever for the Mud Hens.  The first two weeks of the season our record was 3-11.  Our younger pitchers were not ready for AAA.   I had 3 relief wins, no losses, no saves....but I pitched well and had a 3.38 ERA.  Shortly thereafter, our manager, Cal Ermer called me in to his office to say that I would be getting back in the starting rotations soon, that these younger pitchers were not ready for AAA.
Well, 3 days later, Cal called me into his office and said that he got a call from the minor league director, George Brophy, and they released me. I WAS CRUSHED.
I was 25 years old, I thought on the verge of making it to the big leagues, and my world was coming down.  This was the first time in my life that I had been cut from a team.
I went home, called 24 baseball teams, trying to find a team to play for.  I called my buddy, Tony Oliva, and he got me on a team in the Mexican League. I spent the rest of the summer of 1982 playing in Mexico where I was 6-3 for the Broncos.  I asked for my release after the season, so I could get hooked up with a team
back in the United States.  In 1983 I was invited to the AAA training camp with the Detroit Tigers.  I was 1-0 with a 1.80 ERA, and they released me in 3 weeks.
Being married at the time, we decided to go home and get jobs and begin our life together.......but 2 months later, the Indians AA team had called me and asked me to fly up to Buffalo, NY to try out for their AA team.  I guess I didn't have what they were looking for, so they sent me home.  That was the end of my pro career. So, I didn't leave left me. I would have played until my arm fell off.  They got rid of me.  Not being a drafted player, and signing out of a try-out camp, they didn't have any money invested in me.  I was not in their plans in the big leagues to begin with.

Q-What have you done post-playing and how was the transition?
SM-What I have done post-play was go back home to Kansas City MO and got a job as a carpenter building houses.  I had a Construction Degree in College, so other than baseball, Construction was all I knew. I built houses for 2 years, then moved into the Commercial construction field where I have been up to now.  I am now 54 years old and I'm a field Superintendent for an interior tenant finish Construction Company.  I have been married since October of 1982, and we have two daughters and a son.

The transition was not that easy and took a long time to get over.  You have to remember, I was 26 years old at the time, and I have been playing baseball since I was 6 years old.  My dream had come to an end, and I didn't like that.  I had fallen short of where I wanted to the big leagues.  On the other hand, I probably got a lot farther, and did a lot more, than a lot of other players did.  It was truly a dream come true. I'll always treasure the memories.  Met some awesome people in my experience.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebs.

I have written about Brian Applebaum meeting Marlins legend Jeff Conine. Brian's site is 30 Year Old Cardboard and it is well worth the trip there.  Brian is a lot of things (baseball fan, father, card collector, Andre Dawson fan, former Chicagoan, Marlins loyalist) and all of them contribute to this being an excellent site.
Recently, Brian and family attended Marlins FanFest 2011.  I absolutely loved his summary.  This was Americana at its best.  Simply beautiful.  Father and sons, baseball fan generations.  Brian's love for his family and his love for baseball.  The kids loving the baseball until they see the amusement rides!  This is awesome.  This piece just made me feel good about life!
If Brian is reading this, I was saving the best for last.  Brian met Andre Dawson again.  Dawson is Brian's favorite player of all time.  Topping that off, he also met one of my all time favorites Jeff Conine.  Brian totally enjoyed this experience.  It's always great when the favorites you meet treat you well.
I appreciate Brian sharing his pictures here.  He had other pictures of the event which are worth seeing.  I also simply appreciate the blog itself.  I am glad Brian is enjoying it and I certainly know I am!
Jeff Conine, Brian and sons and Andre Dawson in Miami, FL-January 2011.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gene Hiser, From Outfielder to Financial Adviser

One of the great things about AU Sports was that sometimes that had obscure players for autograph signings.  One such player was Gene Hiser, who played parts of 4 seasons with the Chicago Cubs after being a first round draft pick of theirs.  The fact that he played for the Cubs immediately made him a desirable guest at AU.
Hiser was in a great mood.  He talked fondly about his time with the Cubs.  I told him about seeing him play in Wichita, while we were there to visit our friend and his teammate Rick Stelmaszek.  Hiser appreciated the enthusiasm of the fans at AU, especially for a career .202 hitter who last had played in the majors about 25 years earlier.
I didn't know it at the time, but his minor league stats show him playing in the White Sox organization late in his career, yet sources claim he only played for the Cubs organization.  Maybe he was loaned to the Sox for some odd reason.  If I ever get the chance, that will be one question I will ask him.
Hiser has owned Barrett and Hiser Financial Management Group for over 20 years.  In 1997, Barrett and Hiser joined GCG Financial.  Maybe I can talk to him there and get some financial advice, too.
Gene Hiser and me in AU Sports in Skokie, IL-Late 1990's.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

WWE and TNA News - Chuck, Jersey Shore, Sunny and More

Winter - TNA - wrestling

On TNA's "Victory Road" Pay-Per View this Sunday, the Knockouts match will be Angelina Love and Winter taking on Sarita and Rosita.
Here's a little preview with The Beautiful People and Winter facing Sarita, Rosita, and Cookie...

former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler

On NBC's Chuck this Monday, former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler will return in her role as a "Greta".
But this time it looks like she'll be getting more screen time.

beth phoenix - wwe

We all know now that the rumors of Cristiane "Cyborg"Santos coming to the WWE were false.
But what about Beth Phoenix's Tweet on her Twitter page?
"Rumours of Chris Cyborg coming to WWE are interesting. It’s easy to dominate in any fighting division without the Glamazon. In WWE? Prepare to humbled by yours truly."
Yeah we all know it's hype.
I mean Beth is good and I love her to death.
But against the Cyborg?

And the Jersey Shore's Snooki is gonna guest host Raw Monday night?
I haven't been this excited about Raw since K-Fed.
::holds up sarcasm sign:::

Former WWF Diva Tammy Lynn Sunny Sytch

And the first "Diva" Former WWF Diva Tammy Lynn "Sunny" Sytch will be going into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.
Sunny joins The Fabulous Moolah (Lillian Ellison), "Sensational" Sherri (Sherri Russell), Mae Young (Johnnie Mae Young) and Wendi Richter and Sunny is the youngest person (38) to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Autograph Tales:Ozzie Canseco

I always have cheered for the underdog.  If there is a star athlete and he has a less successful athlete brother, odds are that I will be cheering for that less successful brother.  I liked Wayne Gretzky, but I cheered more for Brent and Keith.  Dick Allen could be in the Hall of Fame (especially according to Dick Allen Hall of Fame), but I cheered for Hank.
When I found out Jose Canseco had a twin brother who was in the minors, my interest was piqued.  Ozzie Canseco was drafted in 1983 as a pitcher by the New York Yankees.  Ozzie did not make it to the majors until 1990 where he joined Jose as an outfielder for the Oakland A's.  Ozzie hit .105 in his brief time there.  He also played for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1992 and 1993.  His career average was .200 with 0 home runs and 4 rbi's.
For parts of 1986-1988, Ozzie played for the Madison Muskies.  I found the card below as an insert in some baseball card magazine and sent it to Ozzie hoping for a signature.  It came back signed about 2 weeks later!
We have all heard horror stories about Jose (and I even experienced one at a book signing), but I also heard a few bad stories about Ozzie.  Fortunately for me, my experience with Ozzie was all good.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Becky Herbst:A Young Daytime Veteran

Like her former General Hospital mother-in-law Genie Francis, Rebecca Herbst basically grew up on the show.  Herbst started on the show in 1997, playing troubled teen Elizabeth "Lizzy" Webber and has remained in the role ever since.
Herbst had been an ice-skater from her toddler days, but ultimately chose acting.  She appeared in various roles on many tv shows before landing her big role as Webber.  Like most daytime drama stars, Herbst has not done a lot outside of the show, but she has remained a main character for many years.
Herbst is very popular at soap conventions.  She is also one of the nicest celebrities in attendance.
At only 33, Herbst is still young.  It will be interesting to see if she remains with GH or if she ever tries to do other things.  Her fans are split on which they would want.  Either way, it is clear that her fans want to keep seeing her act no matter the role.
Rebecca Herbst in Orlando, FL-Early 2000's.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Celeb Jersey Cards #43 Tom Verducci & Al Roker

Celebrity Rookie Cards is now Celebrity Jersey Cards.  The name fits better and pulls together my interest in celebrities and my love of trading cards.

Today, I am going back to my journalism roots to connect the two stars of Celebrity Jersey Cards.  Okay, I don't really have journalism roots (unless you count my time as Music Editor on my grade school newspaper), but I have dabbled in journalism all of my life.  Anyway, onto the real subject matter.
Tom Verducci is a writer for Sports Illustrated.  While he has co-authored a couple books, none are of the George Plimpton variety.  He did write a couple articles about his short time with the Toronto Blue Jays in Spring Training. His time on the field did not produce a hit, but it did allow me to produce a Celebrity Jersey Card for him.
Going from writing to reporting brings me to Al Roker.  Roker's career at NBC started in Cleveland, which probably explains him throwing out the first pitch for the Indians.  What it doesn't explain is that seemingly bad form.  I used "seemingly" to give Roker the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe it was a bad angle.  Maybe there is another reason why he appears so awkward.  He is smiling though, but that might just be because he knew he would land on a Celebrity Jersey Card.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spotlight on Cards:Jeff Conine

I am featuring an oddball Jeff Conine card I picked up years ago.  I am hoping someone might have some info on it.
It appears to be a card from 1992, because on the back it shows card values for 1991 cards (in the place where stats would usually be).  It is done using the card design of a 1973 Topps football card, which is odd considering it is a baseball card from the 1990's.  There is no card company logo or copyright marks on this card either.That is all I can tell you about this card.  If anyone knows anything about it or knows of any similar cards, let me know.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Topps in My Book

I started collecting baseball cards when there was only one card company, Topps.  My interest in collecting started to fade just as two new companies started producing their own cards.  My interest eventually returned and I found even more companies had joined the fray.  At some point, it became impossible to follow how many companies were producing cards and how many different sets (and subsets) each company produced.
Topps has been criticized for sloppiness, gluttony and indifference to consumers, but Topps will always be my favorite. Maybe because I started with them or maybe because I am just old school, but old habits die hard.
I know Topps isn't perfect. Some of their airbrushed atrocities have become legendary.  Some late season trades are deemed "too late" to have them acknowledged on the regular set issued the next season (thus necessitating at least one update set).  They helped flood the market and are overpriced.
Back in the day, I was such a baseball card nut that my dad routed a short side trip to the Topps plant while on a family vacation.  Unfortunately, there really wasn't much to see.  They didn't even have tours (apparently their Marketing Department wasn't in full gear back then).  Still, I had reached my baseball card mecca.
Topps wasn't perfect then and they certainly aren't now, but they hold a perfect piece of my childhood and I will always love them.
 The Topps baseball card plant in Duryea, PA-Late 1970's.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebs.

Fran Gallagher probably thinks he should be the celebrity featured in a "Friendly Encounter".  As Publisher of the world famous Global Traveler magazine, Gallagher has gained a bit of notoriety (especially on GT's website), but even though he is a great friend, I still can't call him a celebrity.  Still, I can feature him here though, because he has met a bunch of celebs over the years.
Today, I am running the story on him meeting actress Joan Collins, who Fran described as "a real piece of work".  It seems Fran made a deal for Collins to light the Plazas Hotel's Christmas tree in exchange for Collins getting an extra night in her suite.  Collins no-showed the tree-lighting and used the limo that was provided for airport transfer to shop around NYC.
I have to give credit to Fran though.  When she checked out, he told the hotel to charge her credit card, which they did.  Fran later heard from an angry Collins via a phone call, but he didn't back down.  Apparently the Dynasty diva had met her match!
Fran Gallagher and Joan Collins in New York, NY-Mid 1990's.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Holy Fancy Cars...It's the Batmobile

The Batmobile is one of the most recognizable vehicles ever.  The car on tv's Batman was based on the Lincoln Futura Show car, a concept car by Ford from the 1950's.  It was reported to cost $3 million and took just 3 weeks to build.
Over the years, several replicas were made, both legitimate and simple fiberglass skeletons.  The one I saw in Novi at the Motor City Comic Con was a real replica, if not the real deal.  Who really knows for sure?  Either way, if I pulled up in any version of this vehicle, I am sure heads would turn!
The Batmobile in Novi, MI-May 2010.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Celeb Jersey Cards #42 Chris Rock & Will Farrell

Celebrity Rookie Cards is now Celebrity Jersey Cards.  The name fits better and pulls together my interest in celebrities and my love of trading cards.

I am surprised I haven't found more pictures of celebs wearing the Yankees pinstripes.  In fact, Chris Rock is only the third Celebrity Jersey Card to feature the Yankees.  Rock broke one of the unofficial "jersey rules" by wearing a dress shirt under the jersey.  At least he eschewed a tie!
I think another unofficial rule is you can't have the Yankees without the Red Sox (or maybe that is just what ESPN thinks).  In either case, Rock's fellow funny man and SNL alum Will Farrell provides the Red Sox counterpart to Rock's Yankees love.  Farrell even shows a pretty good pitching form.  Lastly, I always love any card which shows a scoreboard like that in the background.

Friday, March 4, 2011

On the Beat with Catherine Johns-Part 1

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting and chatting with Chicago radio legend Catherine Johns.  Usually I would have written "interviewed", but Johns was so gracious and made me feel so at ease that it really was more of a conversation.
During my teens, my sisters and I spent a lot of time simply sitting on the front porch listening to WLS radio.  There weren't nearly as many listening options back then, but even if there were more, I'm pretty sure we would have listened to WLS anyway.  It was that good.
Johns was a news reporter, anchor, sidekick, host and more during her 18 years at WLS.  She worked with legends like Larry Lujack, Fred Winston and John Landecker.  I believe Johns was instrumental in WLS having one of the earliest forms of the morning zoo (and certainly one of the best).
After WLS, Johns had stints at WJMK and in the business world.  Since 2005, Johns and partner Karen Hand (another Chicago radio veteran) have owned Chicago Hypnosis Center, where "the emphasis is on you at Chicago Hypnosis Center. Your goals, your progress, your results".
In my research on Johns, I read a quote from another interview, where she said, "We'll talk to any old blogger that walks in the door."  With a quote like that, I figured I might have a chance.
What I got was a lot more than I anticipated.  Johns talked with me for about an hour at the local Starbuck's.  I will be discussing various parts of the interview here in the future.
For now, I'd like to end with two things.  First, Karen Hand is hosting a workshop on March 10 called Change-It's easy when you put your mind to it.  The workshop will be at the Chicago Hypnosis Center at 4801 West Peterson, Suite 601 in Chicago and will run from 6:30-8:30 pm.  It's only $20 and you can register by calling 773-725-3200.  If it is anywhere near as fascinating as Johns was, it will be a great experience.
Finally, I'll leave you with a very short video of Catherine discussing the Chicago Hypnosis Center and how they would approach the fear of flying.  This is just one example, but it might be especially interesting to readers of Global Traveler magazine.
I really appreciate Catherine giving me her time and energy.  I look forward to future conversations and to presenting more info from our conversations.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chachi Tales

How many of us can say we got a massage from a Hall of Famer?  Not a Hall of Fame masseuse either (is there a HOF for masseuses?).  Chuck got a massage from Joe Morgan, a Hall of Fame baseball player.
As far as massages go, it definitely was not a Hall of Fame massage.  It was more like a cup of coffee.  Nonetheless, it was officially logged in as a massage.
Chuck was eating in the pressbox at Dodger Stadium and Joe Morgan walked in.  While Morgan wasn't very talkative on the field that day, he acknowledged Chuck's greeting with a two-handed grab of Chuck's shoulders.  He squeezed a bit and rubbed a bit (all occurring in a matter of seconds, but time enough).
Chuck and Morgan exchanged pleasantries before Morgan moved on to the next group of reporters.  It should be noted that Morgan did not massage any other reporter there that day.
Chuck uttered his usual "We're all professionals", while making sure I logged in his HOFer massage.  Now I am taking it one step further and putting up here for everyone to know.  Congrats Chuck.
Joe Morgan and Chuck Gekas in Los Angeles, CA-June 2008.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday Night Raw Divas Battle Royal

On Monday Night Raw this Monday, Brie Bella won a Divas Battle Royal to become the new number one contender to the WWE Divas Title.
Alicia got tossed out first, then Tamina, then Natalya and Melina eliminated each other, then Maryse went out, then Nikki and Brie comes out from underneath the ring to toss Gail Kim out and win.
Eve (who was on comentary) sees this and goes after Brie.
But Nikki was still there and they both start a beatdown on Eve till the refs pull them apart.

So it looks like the big WWE Divas Championship rivalry will be Eve and Brie.

That's a Lot of Bull

As I previously wrote, being a part of organizing the Walk for Life while at Lerner Newspapers was one of the things of which I am really proud. The Leukemia Research Foundation was the recipient of all donations, but I felt like I had benefited more than anyone.  It was truly a great and humbling experience.
Today's post isn't about the seriousness of the event though.  Today is about silliness.  What is more silly than a big red bull mascot?
Benny the Bull is the mascot of the Chicago Bulls (not to be confused with the Benny who is a character on Dora the Explorer.  I think Bennie joined the walk through the efforts of Silbar Public Relations, the other main company whop partnered with Lerner to produce the event.
Bennie was very popular that day with kids and adults.  I don't think Bennie actually walked the route though.  I think he hung out at the party area.
I also think Bennie has gone under the knife (like a lot of celebrities have done).  In Bennie's case, he has gone for a tougher look, leaving behind the more cartoonish look.  Even in the world of mascots, it's all about the look.
Benny the Bull in Skokie, IL-May 1996

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Anatomy of the 3-1-1

Chuck E. Gekas (aka Cuzz) has been a great friend for many years.  He has a unique sense of humor and a knack for trivia (backup catchers is just one of his specialties).  Aside from sharing his knowledge of the history of the San Diego Padres, his unparalleled ability to quote from tv's Seinfeld and his opinion of fountain Cokes from various establishments, Cuzz is also a co-originator of the 3-1-1.
The 3-1-1 in its simplest form attempts to hide the weakest subject by placing it after 3 strong subjects and before one final subject.  For instance, in mentioning Super Bowl winning quarterbacks, Trent Dilfer would be a perfect pick for the "1" spot.  Of course, it will make much more sense once you watch the short video example that Cuzz did concerning some of the interviews Johngy's Beat did last year.
Before getting to the video, it should be noted that this is the very most basic 3-1-1, as I am a relative newbie to the concept.  Cuzz and his 3-1-1 cohort Jim Gekas have polished and expanded the concept over the years to include shorter versions (the very risky 2-1-1), tactile versions and differing orders within the set of 3 for various reasons.
To be honest, it doesn't come across extremely well in a written explanation.  Hopefully after watching the video below, the concept will be much clearer.