Saturday, June 25, 2011

OVW results from 6-25 in Louisville, KY

Here's the Ohio Valley Wrestling television report for June 25th, 2011, which is
episode #618. This will be an abbreviated report due to computer issues and time
constraints on my part. I was there live, and they had a good crowd for this show, at least 160 in the building, but man was it ever hot and stuffy in there. The returning Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey and Kenny Bolin were the TV announcers. Ron Hed and Brittany DeVore were the ring announcers. This wasn't an especially good show, not sure why, but it just felt like stuff wasn't clicking this week.

Show opened with Danny Davis in his office on the phone talking to the "dreaded"
board of directors, and Davis wasn't happy. Davis asked the camera to leave and shut
the door. I know it's been done countless times over the years, but I have never been a fan of "Board of directors" stuff in pro wrestling. I think it's lazy booking.

1. Jamin Olivencia beat Rocco Bellagio w/Prince Bolin, Mo Green and The Personal
assistant in a first round tournament match for the OVW heavyweight title

This show completed the first round of the tournament for the currently vacant OVW
heavyweight title. Second round action will be held on TV next week, and the semi
finals, and finals of the tournament will be held at the July 2nd Saturday Night Special. Here Bellagio attacked before the bell and nearly beat Olivencia. But Olivencia weathered the storm and came back and won it with his clamping DDT finisher. OVW TV champion Rudy Switchblade was on the floor watching this match. Switchblade and Olivencia don't like each other at all.

Next came a fairly manic backstage segment, which was marred by audio problems.
Raphael Constantine was showing off a medal to the Elite(Ted McNaler & Adam
Revolver). Constantine now claims he is a 5th generation pro wrestler, and the medal
belongs to his great, great Grandfather, wrestler Orville L. Cox. Who?? lol Next, the Elite argued backstage, but Revolver told McNaler secured them a rematch against
Trailer Park Trash and Mr. Black for the OVW Southern tag team titles tonight.
McNaler, who has already advanced in the first round of the OVW title tourney, wasn't interested in the tag titles rematch, but did it anyways. Next Prince Bolin was talking, when Randy Terrez bumped into Raul Lamotta, no doubt leading to a match with those two down the line. Finally OVW womens champion Lady JoJo was talking about her match tonight against Jessie Belle Smothers while Taryn Shay massaged JoJo's leg. Wow, backstage at OVW is a busy place to be.

2. Mohamad Ali Vaez beat Michael Hayes

No, not THAT Michael Hayes, this Michael Hayes is a legit wounded war hero, who
lost his left leg in the Iraq war. Vaez beat Hayes quickly in his OVW TV debut a few
weeks ago. Since then, Hayes has been seeking a rematch. Vaez came out and said
he was above this, but agreed to a rematch here. Hayes got some offense in early,
but Vaez again beat Hayes quickly with his running neckbreaker finisher. I really like how OVW is doing this angle. Most promotions would be scared to beat a guy like
Hayes, who I think can draw money if used correctly.

Jessie Belle Smothers and Isabella Smothers(Mickey Knuckles) were talking
backstage. Isabella was giving Jessie Belle a pep talk, and telling her to concentrate and focus on her match tonight. Jason Wayne walked by, and Jessie Belle was then concentrated and focused on him, and his muscles. Shiloh Jonez came up and
asked for an inter-gender match, and Isabella shoved him down.

They showed clips of last weeks first round tournament matches in the OVW
heavyweight title tournament. Johnny Spade beat Shiloh Jonze by reverse decision,
Asher Knight beat Raul Lamotta, and Jason Wayne beat James "Moose" Thomas.

Mike Mondo came out with a classic worker rollie bag luggage. Mondo got in the ring
and grabbed a mic, but Danny Davis stormed to the ring and told Mondo he is fired,
and to leave now. Out came the somewhat surprising return of Attorney Christian
Mascagni. Mascagni talked quite awhile, revealing Mondo is now his client. Mascagni
said that he has secured a restraining order against Danny Davis, stating that Davis
cannot come within 200 feet of Mondo. Mascagni ordered Davis leave the ring, and he
reluctantly did. Mascagni then said he got Mondo reinstated to OVW thru the "Board of directors", and also got Mondo added to the OVW Heavyweight title tournament, and
Mondo would be facing an opponent of his choosing tonight. Gee, it pays to have
representation huh?

3. Jessie Belle Smothers beat Taryn Shay w/Lady JoJo

At the last second, JoJo ordered Shay to face Jessie Belle instead of herself. The
crowd was quiet here. Jessie Belle won with a sunset flip. Both JoJo and Shay
attacked Jessie Belle postmatch, but Isabella Smothers made the save. When did
Smothers Twisted Daughters turn face here exactly??

Again cut to backstage where for the third time in the last three weeks Tony Gunn tried to get Johnny Spade to be his tag team partner. Spade isn't interested.

4. Rudy Switchblade beat Paredyse in a first round tournament match for the OVW
Heavyweight title

Back and forth match here, and it had some nice stuff early on. Something happened
down the stretch though, and this match grew very sloppy. Not sure if someone got
blown up, or got hurt, but this match went south. Switchblade ended up winning clean
with his Frog Slash finisher. Jamin Olivencia was on the floor watching this match.
Post match stare down between Switchblade and Olivencia.

They showed clips of Trailer Park Trash & Mr. Black beating The Elite last week to win the OVW Southern Tag Team titles.

5. The Fat & The Furious (Mr. Black & Trailer Park Trash) beat The Elite (Ted
McNaler & Adam Revolver) to retain the OVW Southern tag team titles

The Elite aruged with each other this entire match. In fact, at one point, The Elite
fought each other outside on the floor as the crowd chanted "Fight". The Elite's mid
match scuffle was some of the best stuff of this entire show. McNaler finally gave
Revolver a forearm to the head, allowing the 500 pound Jack Black to hit Revolver with a sidewalk slam to win it for his team. The Elite argued some more after the match, until McNaler walked out.

6. Mike Mondo w/Christian Mascagni beat Elvis Pridemore in a first round
tournament match for the OVW Heavyweight title

So Elvis was Mondo's handpicked opponent here. It makes perfect sense. Weeks
ago Mondo knocked out then OVW champion Cliff Compton with brass knuckles
before a match, allowing perennial jobber Elvis Pridemore to beat Compton for the
OVW title. Mondo did this because he was going to get the title shot, and he thought
an easy title win, the next week. But instead, that next week Elvis gave the title back to Danny Davis, saying he didn't want to win it that way, which is why the title is vacant now. Mondo was ultra cocky here, but Elvis got an early flurry in on him. Mondo won it quickly though with his Gut check finisher, with an assist from Mascagni, who tripped Elvis as he came off the ropes. I don't think Mascagni should have done the interference spot here, that makes him more like a manager than an attorney, and doesn't that make Mascagni look bad to the Board of directors right off the bat? But, it does establish that Mascagni is going to be a physical force here as well.

Credit: Trent Van Drisse @

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