Friday, May 6, 2011

Celeb Jersey Cards #51 Nadia Bjorlin & Jenna Elfman

Celebrity Jersey Cards is a regular feature which combines my passion for trading cards with my interest in celebrities.  The Los Angeles Dodgers just finished a three game series with the Chicago Cubs, in which the Cubs took 2 of 3.

Nadia Bjorlin was born in the U.S., but lived in Sweden until she was seven.  Her father Ulf was a Swedish composer and conductor.  Her first role was on tv's Days of Our Lives.  She has gone on to several other roles in episodic tv.  She is also an accomplished singer and has performed the National Anthem at a Los Angeles Dodgers game.  I always love it when the anthem singer wears a jersey.
Actress Jenna Elfman was born and raised in Los Angeles and also as a Dodgers fan.  When she played in a Dodgers charity softball game, she donned a #13 Dodgers jersey.  I wonder if the #13 has any significance.  Is it her personal favorite?  Perhaps it's for Alex Cora.  Maybe Orlando Hudson?  I prefer to think she was paying homage to former catcher-outfielder Joe Ferguson (one of my childhood favorites)!

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