Monday, September 21, 2009

TNA Knockout Results From The "No Surrender" PPV

taylor wilde - sarita - TNA wrestling

TNA may have restored my faith in the company last night.
I was really worried about what they were gonna do at "No Surrender".

In the TNA Knockout Tag-Titles match up, Taylor Wilde and Sarita defeated The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne) to become the TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions.
Taylor Wilde and Sarita deserve the push and this will give TNA time to rebuild The Beautiful People without Angelina Love.

ODB - TNA wrestling

Then in the match I dreaded the most, Cody Deaner took on ODB for the TNA Knockouts Title.
ODB won, which was a huge relief to me.
Maybe now they can put this Cody Deaner thing to rest and concentrate on keeping the TNA Knockout division ahead of the WWE Divas.
If Cody wants to be a wrestler fine.
There's a lot of male wrestlers on the roster for him to go against.
ODB deserves better than low brow comedy.

And in other TNA Knockout news, there are rumors that Rhaka Khan (Trenesha Biggers) maybe looking at suing TNA.
Of course this will really help Rhaka's backstage rep a whole lot.
It was bad enough before, but if she does this....?

posted to, Sept 21st, 2009

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