Monday, July 20, 2009

TNA "Victory Road" PPV Knockouts Results

Angelina Love TNA wrestling

Last night at TNA's Victory Road, they had two female wrestling matches.

First up was a return match between Knockout Champion Tara and challenger and former Knockout Champion Angelina Love.
Of course Angelina came out with The Beautiful People and Tara came out with a spider in a jar.
BTW, Tara is short for Tarantula if you didn't know.
The crowd seemed to really get behind the match and of course Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne pulled ot their bag of usual tricks, one of which resulted in Madison accidentally spraying Velvet in the eyes instead of Tara.
The match ended in an WCW Old School kinda way when Angelina made a pin attempt, Tara got her foot on the rope out at two but "impartial" ref Slick Johnson counted three anyway.
So Angelina Love has regained the TNA Knockouts Championship.

After the match Tara got in the ref's face, clobbered Johnson and hit the Widow's Peak on Angelina.
She was about to put the spider on Angelina (Shades of Jake the Snake!) but Velvet and Madison pulled Angelina out and Tara put the snake..errr..spider on Slick.

BTW, later in an interview backstage with Lauren, Slick admitted he screwed up and said he would get Tara a rematch.

The next match was Sharmell versus Jenna Morasca.
Jenna of course came out with Awesome Kong and Sharmell came out with Sojourner Bolt.
The match was basically a catfight with hair pulling etc.
Even though the match was between Sharmell and Jenna, Sojo and Kong were heavily involved.
Jenna got the victory after Kong nailed Sharmell and Jenna covered her with an unladylike pin.

But that's not all.
After the match, Jenna was trying to boss Kong around until finally Kong got fed up and took out her frustrations on Jenna.

Posted by Sabre, Monday July 20th

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