Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Female Wrestling - Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Michelle McCool and Ashley Massaro

Here's some more WWE Diva, TNA Knockout and Wrestlicious wrestling news and rumors...

mickie james - michelle mccool - wrestling news and rumors

At the WWE PPV, Tables, Ladders & Chairs, Mickie James took on the champion Michelle McCool and Michelle came out on top to retain her title.

And on WWE Raw Monday night, there was a 7 on 7 Diva Match, which really turned out to be a Rosa versus Mickie wrestling match, with Mickie winning.

Afterwards, Maria won the Slammy Diva of the Year Award that was voted on by the fans.
As Maria was thanking the fans, Batista pulled a Kanye West and cut her off.
Hey, they have been doing that in pro wrestling for decades.

Remember former WWE Diva (kinda), bikini and glamour model, actress and Wrestlicious star Bobbie Billard?
Well The Heyman Hustle has a bunch of new pictures of her that you can see here:

Here is yet another possible return to wrestling rumor from another former WWE Diva, Ashley Massaro.
She said on her Twitter account...
"Thanks for asking my tattos are all good now and healed yay! And to answer ur ques i do plan on comin back to the ring...after traininwoohoo"
Coming back to the ring after training?
Could that be WWE, TNA or even Wrestlicious?
I think Ashley would be a good fit at TNA.

Speaking of former WWE Divas, you can follow Trish Stratus at her Twitter account here:

The WWE has a Nikki and Brie Bella Hockey themed photo shoot that you can see here:

WWE Diva Alicia Fox will be out for a bit as she sustained a dislocated shoulder on November28 at a live WWE event in Johnson City, Tennessee.

I loved TNA for so long because they seemed to stay away from gimmick matches in the womens division, but now they are getting just as bad as the WWE.
They had a "Beautiful People Mud Wrestling Match" that seemed to have no purpose other than having Velvet Sky wrestle Lacey Von Erich in the mud with Taylor Wilde as the ref.
Yes I do realize that those are three of the best looking women in wrestling today, and that TNA just did this for ratings.
And yes TNA still has the best female divison in wrestling (Not counting Indys), but for a long time I said you wouldn't see this type of match on TNA because they valued their performers reputations.
Guess I was wrong.
If you want to see the match (and like I said, it IS Velvet Sky, Lacey Von Erich and Taylor Wilde so who could really blame you?) you can check out the link here:

Female Wrestling - Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Michelle McCool and Ashley Massaro posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/ on Dec.15th, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WWE Wrestling - Melina versus Alicia Fox

Melina - Alicia Fox - WWE

Last night on WWE Monday Night Raw, they had a Diva's Championship match with the champion Melina defending her title against Alicia Fox.
I still cannot figure out why in the world Fox is getting such a push, but how can I not like a match that Judah Friedlander from "30 Rock" is involved in?
Well Frank...I mean Judah comes out and says that he will be the special guest announcer and he introduces Melina and Alicia.
Alicia jumps on Judah (not literally) and tells him to announce her as the next Diva Champion.
Judah says he cant do that, he only came to Raw for two reasons....
One, to see Melina's entrance, and two, to announce that the Diva's Championship match is now a lumberjill match.
The Divas all come out and surround the ring.
The match takes place and I'm wondering why we aren't watching Melina and a real contender going at it rather than this.
(wasn't Alicia almost fired from OVW for showing up for work intoxicated once? Why yes she was.)

But anyway Melina pulls out the victory (thank goodness) which leads to an all out brwal and "Team Mickie" coming out on top.

If you missed the match, you can see the whole thing at WWE.com here:

How much you wanna bet we'll see footage from this match show up on 30 Rock in the future?

Melina - Alicia Fox - wwe wrestling

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/ on Nov 17th, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Female Wrestling Updates, Lacey Von Erich, Awesome Kong, Angelina Love and Mickie James

Lacey Von Erich - wrestling news and rumors
The question " Lacey Von Erich is hot, but can she wrestle?" may be causing some trouble at TNA.

www.prowrestling.net is reporting that not only did Lacey trip and fall when she tried to do a run in at the Knockouts Elimination wrestling match on iMPACT! two weeks ago, (hey, everyone makes mistakes right?), but while training at the Impact! Zone, she injured a hamstring and proceded to act like a "Diva" as she complained loudly all night that she was in pain.
Then she told a male trainer to get her some ice, which lead to said training walking in on a half dressed Awesome Kong who wasn't happy.
Evidently she grabbed Lacey and took her to the trainer's room where she let Lacey have it, with Kurt Angle watching.
Lacey wasn't happy about this and went to TNA management to complain, and they sided with Kong.
Lacey had better watch her step or she'll be looking at Wrestlicious as the highlight of her wrestling career.
And if I were her, I wouldn't be getting on the wrong side of the Awesome one.

Angelina Love - wrestling rumors
And former TNA Knockout Angelina Love mad a surprise appearance at Live Pro Wrestling's "Halloween Massacre" wrestling show on October 25th.
Originally it was reported that Angelina wouldnt be able to appear at the show, but she did.
You can see pictures from the event here:

By the way, TNA has some Halloween Knockouts photos posted at their site here:
As far as I can tell it's a Wizard of Oz theme.
You gotta admit, Tara looks better as the Wicked Witch of the West than she did a ....banana?

Mickie James -  female wrestling
Mickie James seems to be going full steam ahead on her singing career, as she has hired Nashville-based image Image Consultant Lori Bumgarner to manage her career.
You can check out Lori's homepage here:

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/ on October 30th, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

WWE Diva and TNA Knockouts Updates 10-23-09

ODB - Female Wrestling

I leave for awhile and....well nothing really changes much.

One....ODB isn't leaving TNA, someone hacked her Facebook account.

Two... Beth Phoenix went to SmackDown! to make a brand new start.

Three...The Bella Twins were moved back to Raw because Vince McMahon has "fallen in love with them".

Four...And speaking of Divas moving, Melina went to Raw as a reward for her good work on SmackDown!
Now you can erase any lingering doubts you had that SD and Raw were equals.

Five..Okay, someone at the WWE is REALLY reading my blogs because Jillian Hall is actually getting a push!
I've been cheerleading Jillian for about six months now and it looks like it paid off.
Now if the WWE will just hire me.....

Six...Torrie Wilson posted this on her Twitter and scared the crap outta a lo of fans...
"“Big scare for me tonight. I was in the emergency room. Thought I was heading up to Heaven for a minute there. Thanks for letting me stay a little longer, Jesus!”"
It seems Torrie had an adverse reaction to medicine she was taking for a thyroid problem.
You can read about the situation more here:

Seven...www.f4wonline.com has reported that TNA Knockout Daffney broke her arm during the Monster's Ball match between Abyss and Mick Foley at the Bound for Glory pay-per-view.

Eight... In an interview at OhSoDivalicious, Amy Weber called Randy Orton a "dirtbag".
Well kinda-sorta.
You can read the interview here:

Nine...And finally, http://www.f4wonline.com/ reported that TNA Knockout Awesome Kong came to her boyfriends defense at the Bound for Glory after-party and laid the smackdown on a drunk that was insulting him.
She shoved him, he came back at her and she knocked him out.
Was he so drunk he couldn't see who he was fighting?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lacey Von Erich in TNA

Lacey Von Erich - Wrestlicious - TNA

Well here's one I didnt see coming....
It appears that gorgeous Lacey Von Erich has signed with TNA.
Yes, Wrestlicious did a press release on their MySpace blog that says....

In a landmark arrangement, Wrestlicious LLC has agreed to release Lacey Von Erich from her exclusive contract 45 days prior to its' expiration. This move will allow Lacey to pursue an immediate roster position with TNA Entertainment. The third generation wrestler and actress made headlines by signing with the action/comedy television show “Wrestlicious” in mid 2008.
Under the Wrestlicious/TNA agreement, Lacey will continue to tape segments for Wrestlicious, and will appear as part of the ensemble cast in the series’ upcoming television episodes. She is expected to debut on TNA “Impact” this week.

You can read the full post here:

So what does this mean other than the TNA Knockouts hotness factor just went through the roof?
Well, what if TNA and Wrestlicious enter into a talent sharing agreement?
That would open up a whole new venue for TNA grabbing the best female wrestlers around, they already get some of the best Indy performers now.
And that would leave the WWE to it's dancers and former models.
I mean c'mon...with talent like Melina, Katie Lea Burchill, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Gail Kim and Jillian Hall, the best number one contender they can come up with is Alicia Fox?

At least now we know who's gonna fill the space left by Angelina Love in The Beautiful People huh?

Lacey Von Erich in TNA, posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/ on Sept 23rd, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

TNA Knockout Results From The "No Surrender" PPV

taylor wilde - sarita - TNA wrestling

TNA may have restored my faith in the company last night.
I was really worried about what they were gonna do at "No Surrender".

In the TNA Knockout Tag-Titles match up, Taylor Wilde and Sarita defeated The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne) to become the TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions.
Taylor Wilde and Sarita deserve the push and this will give TNA time to rebuild The Beautiful People without Angelina Love.

ODB - TNA wrestling

Then in the match I dreaded the most, Cody Deaner took on ODB for the TNA Knockouts Title.
ODB won, which was a huge relief to me.
Maybe now they can put this Cody Deaner thing to rest and concentrate on keeping the TNA Knockout division ahead of the WWE Divas.
If Cody wants to be a wrestler fine.
There's a lot of male wrestlers on the roster for him to go against.
ODB deserves better than low brow comedy.

And in other TNA Knockout news, there are rumors that Rhaka Khan (Trenesha Biggers) maybe looking at suing TNA.
Of course this will really help Rhaka's backstage rep a whole lot.
It was bad enough before, but if she does this....?

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, Sept 21st, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - The Divas

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - The Divas

They released the full roster of characters for the new SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 and here are the Divas that will be in the game....

Beth Phoenix
Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly
Mickie James
Michelle McCool
Brie Bella
Nikki Bella

Eve, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella?
No "Golden Girl" Alicia Fox? She seems to be an internet favorite. Why eludes me though.
No Rosa Mendes?
No Katie Lea Burchill?

Well I suppose until THQ comes out with "SmackDown vs. Raw - The Divas" this wil have to do.

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - The Divas, posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, on Sept 18th, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Female Wrestling News - Jenna Morasca, Lacey Von Erich and Angelina Love

Jenna Morasca - female wrestling

Former TNA Knockout Jenna Morasca said she'd be making a statement regarding TNA, and she did.
It was in an exclusive interview with the UK Sun.
Notice how the UK Sun seems to be breaking more and more wrestling news lately?
The interview opens with:

Jenna Morasca has spoken out for the first time about being fired by TNA Wrestling — saying her release came totally out of the blue.
The former winner of reality TV show Survivor told SunSport she feels used by the company and that they sacked her while she was helping her boyfriend through his cancer battle.

You can read the whole article here

Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff will be holding a Hulkamania tour of Australia and Lacey Von Erich, Wrestlicious star, former WWE developmental diva and daughter of the late Kerry Von Eric will be going with them.

With all the talk about Angelina Love's situation, Angelina is still wrestling.
According to the advertisements, she will be wrestling Brooke Carter at the Live Pro Wrestling event on Sunday, October 25th.
The match is being advertised as her first match in New York since her departure from TNA.

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, Sept 14th, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

PWI Female 50 - 2009

Mickie James - PWI Female 50

Pro Wrestling Illustrated has released their 2009 "PWI Female 50" list.
And this year's top female wrestler is WWE Diva Mickie James.
Pretty nice jump for Mickie considering last year she was number 4.
Here is the complete list.....

1. Mickie James
2. Angelina Love
3. Melina
4. MsChif
5. Tara
6. Awesome Kong
7. Beth Phoenix
8. Michelle McCool
9. Maryse
10. Taylor Wilde
11. Sara Del Rey
12. Cheerleader Melissa
13. Gail Kim
14. Mercedes Martinez
15. ODB
16. Daizee Haze
17. Sarita
18. Daffney
19. Madison Rayne
20. Katie Lea Burchill
21. Nikki Roxx
22. Angel Orsina
23. Velvet Sky
24. Sojo Bolt
25. Natalya
26. Rain
27. Amber O'Neal
28. Jillian Hall
29. Jetta
30. Lufisto
31. Madison Eagles
32. Nevaeh
33. Wesna Busic
34. Kelly Kelly
35. Portia Perez
36. Danyah
37. Ariel
38. Jennifer Blake
39. Nichole Matthews
40. Serena Deeb
41. Allison Danger
42. Melia Hosaka
43. Lexie Fyfe
44. Jamie D
45. Amy Lee
46. Annie Social
47. April Hunter
48. Cherry Bomb
49. Jessie McKay
50. Rosa Mendes

And let's give a shout out to the WWE Divas that didn't even make it into the top 50....Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Eve Torres, Layla, Maria, Nikki Bella and Tiffany!
Although in all fairness, two TNA Knockouts didn't rank in the PWI Female 50 either...Rhaka Khan and Traci Brooks.

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, Sept 11th, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WWE Diva and TNA Knockouts Updates, Sept 9th, 2009

Lots of short updates today.....

trish stratus - wwe- wrestling

On Monday Night Raw we had....
No Divas match at all.
I guess two last week broke them huh?
Although it was confirmed (although I think everyone on the internet already knew) that Trish Stratus will be hosting Raw next week.
Now, will she dye her hair back to blonde for this?

On WWE SmackDown! this week, we'll have Layla with Michelle McCool taking on....Melina?
Yes, Layla versus Melina.

Lillian Garcia posted on her Twitter account that “My last day at WWE is officially Mon, Sept 21st. It will be a bitter sweet night for me.”
Now who will be her replacement?
Savannah (Angela Fong) or Courtney Taylor (Beverly Mullins)?
Considering Angela is rumored to be making good progress wrestling, and Vince seems to like blondes, I'm gonna go with Courtney on Raw and Angela on ECW as a interviewer that will eventually get pulled into matches.

On WWE Superstars this week we have Nikki Bella going up against Katie Lea Burchill.

You can read a memo from Angel Williams's (Angelina Love's) Agent at her MySpace blog addressing the situation with Angela.

Rosa Mendes recently showed up on Florida Championship Wrestling as a ring announcer.

GoDaddy has a page up with Candice Michelle and it has a lot of Candice stuff on it.

Tomorrow on Thursday, September 10, 2009, TNA Knockout Traci Brooks will be at TCI Sports Fan in Dayton, Ohio signing free autographs.
You can find out more at TCI's website here:

And if you wanna start planning WAY ahead, Traci Brooks and SoCal Val will be at the Steel City Con in Monroeville, Pennsylvania on December fifth and sixth.

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, Sept 9, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Female Wrestling News - Wendi Richter, Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Angelina Love , Trina Michaels and More

Wendi Richter - female wrestling

We start off today with a blast from the past.
Yesterday (the 6th) was former WWF female wrestler and WWF Women's Champion, Wendi Richter's Birthday.
So Happy (late) Birthday Wendi!
As you may recall, Wendi declined to participate at WrestleMania XXV this year.
Good for her.

 Jillian Hall - women wrestling

And yesterday was WWE Diva Jillian Hall's Birthday as well.
So Happy (late again) Birthday Jillian!

Michelle McCool - women

WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool returned to the ring at the SmackDown/ECW live event in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
She defeated Melina to retain the title.
You can see a video of the end of the match here:

Trina Michaels - woman wrestling

Since Angelina Love appears to be gone from TNA (sigh), her possible replacement in "The Beautiful People" may be indy valet Trina Michaels.
Trina is good friends with Mick Foley and has had some TNA allusions in the past.
You can check out her MySpace page here:

Jenna Morasca  - womens wrestling

Former (?) TNA Knockout Jenna Morasca recently posted on her MySpace page...
My 1st official statement regarding TNA and myself "There are great inconsistencies out there regarding my relationship with TNA. I fully intend to clear them up and tell my side of the story after the holiday weekend"
They say she left TNA on September third when her contract expired, but I thought she was just on a leave of absence.
But in checking the TNA website, her profile has been pulled.

Candice Michelle - women of wrestling

I'm sure you have heard all the rumors about Candice Michelle working for TNA.
Candice isn't that good of an in-ring performer, but her name alone will draw attention to the TNA brand.
She still gets over a million hits a month on Google searches.

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/ on Sept 7th, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

WWE Diva and TNA Knockout News, Sept 3rd

kristal marshall - female wrestling

Diva Dirt is reporting that former WWE Diva Kristal Marshall might be heading to TNA.
Why not?
Bobby's already there.
And if you haven't seen Kristal lately, head over to her website http://mykristalonline.com/ and take a look at some of her pics.
This lady has really worked on herself and is getting in fitness competition shape.
I mean she is really getting cut and ripped!

And as far as her going to TNA, check out this Tweet from her on her Twitter account:
"It was nice catching up with Lisa Marie, aka Victoria oops I mean Tara!"

The WWE seems to be trying again with their womens division.
They had not one, but two female wrestling events Monday night on Raw.

First they had an American Dream Diva Battle Royal with Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendes, Jillian Hall and Alicia Fox.
Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox and Kelly were eliminated basically 1-2-3 and that left Beth, Gail and Jillian.
Maybe someone at the WWE is reading my blogs....LOL
Anyway, Gail eliminated Jillian and Beth eliminated Gail.
Beth getting attention again?

So then Beth had to turn around and take on Divas Champion Mickie James in a match later.
Of course Mickie won, but it was nice to see Beth and Jillian get some air time again.
Three of the best female wrestlers the WWE has on one show?
And they actually get ring time?
I hate to say it but I'm impressed.

And here are some random Tweets from the womens wrestling world......

TNA Knockout Tara:
"Just got back from TV tapings. Very eventful two days of wrestling. I am going to take a nap and get some beauty sleep."

WWE Diva Michelle McCool:
"Bad Knee = Bike riding! Bike riding = mad respect for cyclists!!! :) All of 20 minutes kicked by butt! :)"

WWE Diva Jillian Hall:
"I want a fluffy white kitten for my birthday!"
(BTW, Jillian's Birthday is September 6th)

And is female wrestler going to Wrestlicious?
Will they be taping new shows?
From Lena Yada's Twitter:
"been out of WWE for a while now. Just waiting filming for Wrestlicious :-) "

WWE Diva Eve Torres :
"In Puerto Rico! It's so beautiful here. Napped on the beach, ocean view, warm weather, great sushi for dinner. Do it again tomorrow!"

WWE Diva Maryse:
"yayyy back in LA!!! hopefully it will be sunny today ! "

And finally the talked about replacement for Lilian Garcia, Angela Fong
"My fortune cookie today says: an interesting sports opportunity is in your near future. Mmmmmmmm I'm liking the sound of that!!! :)"

posted to http://beautiful-wrestling.blogspot.com/, Sept 3rd, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

WWE Diva and TNA Knockout News, Plus...Mickie James' Birthday

Mickie James-WWE-womens wrestling

Today is WWE Divas Champion Mickie James' birthday!
Yes, 30 years ago today Mickie was born in Montpelier, Virginia.
So Happy Birtday Mickie!

No doubt spurred on by Fox's "Wrestlicious", TNA is again talking about an all Knockouts TV Show.
Okay, maybe not spurred by Wrestlicious, maybe TNA is just really serious about the womens division.
After all, they are bringing the tag team belts back right?
This is something I've been wishing the WWE would do for years.
(Actually, didnt I read somewhere that SmackDown was originally supposed to be a WWE Diva show?)

And speaking of the WWE, they have signed another Diva talent.
Someone from the Indy ranks with years of wrestling experience that will enhance the womens wrestling division right?
They signed 21 year old Trinity McCray, a dancer for the Orlando Magic.
She's starting training at Florida Championship Wrestling.

And Back to TNA, as you probably already have heard, Roxxi will be returning to TNA for the Knockout Tag Team Title Tournament.
Rumor has it that she will be partnering with Madison Rayne.
I wonder if they are gonna keep Roxxi and Rhaka Khan seperated?
As of right now, here is the line up for the Knockout Tag Team Title Tournament...
1.Traci Brooks and Sharmell versus Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed
(Kong and Saeed won which kinda stunned me because I figured Traci would win (upcoming PR) and Saeed would lose to develop Alissa Flash.)
2. Taylor Wilde and Sarita versus Daffney and Alissa Flash
3. The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne and Roxxi
4. Hamada and Sojo Bolt vs. Tara and Christy Hemme (Interesting choice considering Christy and Tara's past history).

The September 14th edition of Monday Night Raw will be hosted by former WWE Diva Trish Stratus.

www.MichelleMcCool.net, has an interview posted with the Diva.
You can read the interview here

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Female Wrestling News - Lisa Marie Varon, Mickie James, Gail Kim and More

Lisa Marie Varon-TNA-WWE-MMA

TNA Knockout Tara (WWE's Victoria and aka Lisa Marie Varon) is still having a war of words with female MMA fighter Kim Couture.
I did a write up about it today on my Female MMA blog here.

Is Lilian Garcia really leaving WWE?
LOL...well they keep saying she is.
Right now a possible replacement for Lilian is FCW star Angela Fong.
I guess we will wait and see.

And speaking of FCW, I was wondering who FCW wrestler and valet "Candy Girl" was.
Well now I know.
And not because of a good thing.
Candy Girl (or "Liviana") was arrested on Sunday, June 14, 2009 on charges of Driving under the Influence.
Her real name, by the way, is Karlee Leliani Perez and she's a Tampa-based model.
The WWE and models.
Vince, look at Shimmer's roster.
Hire some wrestlers!

And if the WWEs PG look is bothering you, blame John Cena.
Yes, Cena evidently campaigned for the new look.
Now if they would just get off the "look" and focus more on wrestling ability.

And just what happened in the infamous "Mickie James-Gail Kim" match last week on Raw?
Other than the surreal finish that is.
TWNP News reported that Mickie was "chewed out by management backstage at Raw on Monday as a result of how she reacted when her match with Gail Kim fell apart" and that Gail was "Kim was indeed out of it towards the end of the match, thus explaining why it fell apart. She was treated backstage during the show, but it was said to not be serious. "
Her condition wasn't serious?
What happened?
Was it because of that messed up cross body earlier?
Concussion maybe?

And I guess everyone knows that the new ECW Diva Courtney Taylor is actually Beverly Mullins from FCW (aka Daisy, aka Wesley Holiday).

FCW seems to be getting a lot of play these days huh?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

WWE Diva Updates

All WWE Diva news today...

Alicia Fox - wwe- wrestling
Last night on WWE RAW they had a "Mayweather Melee" pitting Mickie James, Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim against Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox.
The gimmick here is that all the girls wore boxing gear.
Of course this was done in honor of Floyd Mayweather being on the show.
Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox won after Alicia nailed Mickie with a scissors kick.
(It was nice to see Beth in another match.)

Actually, I know it's kinda weird but I sorta liked this gimmick match.
Maybe it's because the Diva matches I used to play on my "SmackDown! vs. RAW" games were actually like this.
Despite the "boxing" theme they were actually wearing MMA gloves and (I usually try to refrain from saying this) and I actually think they looked hotter in their gimmick outfits.
I know awhile back Vince talked about leaning more towrads MMA style matches at one time.
Some of the Divas have martial arts training.
Maybe Vince was looking at how a MMA style match would go over.
After all, MMA is knocking on the WWE's door really loud.
I wonder how a MMA/Pro wrestling hybrid style would work for the WWE?

jillian hall - wwe - wrestling
Moving on, They had a short segment with Jillian Hall and Vince where she was dressed as Marylin Monroe and doing the "Happy Birthday Mr. Preisdent " thing.
Way to use a lady with 11 years wrestling experience guys.

michelle mccool-wwe-wrestling
You can now follow Michelle McCool on Twitter.
Just go to http://twitter.com/McCoolMichelleL

And before SummerSlam, MSN did a slideshow of the WWE divas with really nice pics here:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Female Wrestling, Awesome Kong and Christy Hemme News

Awesome Kong-female wrestling

Did you know that TNA Knockout Awesome Kong has her own website?
Yep, you can go to http://awesomekong.tv/ to keep up with her Awesomeness and even learn about a contest she is holding......

"Hello everybody! Welcome to my new site. This site is my way of giving all of you an inside peek at my life and a way to meet all of you. To kick this party off right, I am hosting a contest that will enable my fans to get to know my history, sense of humor, and overall personality. I have created unique challenges for the contest participants to complete. All submissions will be handled by you via Twitter and YouTube."

Also on her website, Kong mentions the the TNA Knockout Tag Tournament.
Finally female wrestling tag teams again!

The first match in the tournament will be Awesome Kong and Raesha Saeed versus Traci Brooks and Sharmell.
Okay, I'm not going to complain.

Christy Hemme-womens wrestling

In other TNA Knockout news, NASCAR's Hermie Sadler interviews returning Knockout Christy Hemme on "Hermie's Hotseat".
You can see the interview here:

Monday, August 17, 2009

So Is ODB the New TNA Knockout Champion?

ODB - wrestling news and rumors - tna rosterWell I guess I should calm down a little.
It appears now that ODB may actually be the new TNA Knockout Champion since Cody Deaner was on her side.
The finish of the match though with Cody rolling up Velvet Sky and getting the win, and Deaner grabbing the belt from ODB and running to the back....
That leaves ugly questions in my mind.
Either way, there is no excuse for the womens title to change hands in a side show like that.
ODB has been wrestling for over 10 years and deserves more respect than TNA showed her.
Heck, they all do.

Kurt Angle's arrest is making headlines in the main stream media, but its pretty much known now that his arrest was partly at least because of him violating a restraining order that Rhaka Khan (Trenesha Biggers) had filed against him.
WPXI.com has the officer's report on their site and here is part of the report concerning Rhaka....
" (She) stated she was at the Starbucks Store at the Robinson Towne Center outside at a table using the internet because she was scared to use the computer at her residence as she was in fear of Angle.
At this time, she saw Angle circle the parking lot three times; staring at her while she was outside.
(She) stated she then hurriedly left the area and saw Angle in the silver Cadillac.
She drove to Crucible Research by Giant Eagle and observed Angle in the Giant Eagle parking lot "circling" in his vehicle.
She stated to me that she could see Angle accessing her cell phone that she left in the car and feared he was deleting her text messages and pictures she had of past abuse against Angle.
(She) stated she then called 911 to report the incident. Angle was processed without incident and lodged into a holding cell to await arraignment."
You can read the full report on their website here:

There's an article at Dayton Daily News about Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria, Tara) and her future female MMA career.
"Following in the footsteps of Brock Lesnar and fellow heavyweight Bobby Lashley, Lisa Marie Varon — perhaps better known as “Victoria” to World Wrestling Entertainment fans — is heading to the world of mixed martial arts."
You can read the full article here

Maybe if TNA keeps acting like this, ODB can go into MMA too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Female Wrestling: TNA Knockouts Title Result From TNA Hard Justice

Cody Deaner-TNA
Your new TNA Knockout Champion....God help us all....

Shades of the WWE!
I'm sorry readers, but TNA just dropped down to the WWE's level in my eyes.
The New TNA Knockouts champion is.....Cody Deaner?
There's a three letter internet term that comes to mind for this that starts with a "W".
Spanking, kissing, making out.....c'mon people!
I held TNA up to a higher level.
Is this the new TNA booking?
So what am I to do now?
A steady diet of Shimmer?
Wait for Wrestlicious? (Okay, it's 21st century GLOW but still.)
I am shocked and appalled.
And kinda let down and betrayed.
Arguably the best womens division out there and THIS is what they come up with?
After I kept singing the praises of TNA?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Female Wrestling Updates: Christy Hemme, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky and More

Angelina Love

At this Sunday's TNA Hard Justice PPV, there will be a TNA Knockouts Championship Match with Angelina Love (withVelvet Sky) facing ODB (withCody Deaner).
Is ODB finally gonna get some gold?

Anyway, speaking of TNA, on last nights TNA iMPACT, they had two Knockout Matches.

Christy Hemme

The first match was the returning Christy Hemme against Sojournor Bolt.
Not a bad match, with Christy coming out on top.

Tara-TNA wrestling

The second match was ODB with Cody Deaner facing Awesome Kong with Raisha Saeed, facing Tara, facing Angelina Love with Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.
Tara won the match in a kind of hectic finish.
Tara took a hard bump on the concrete, but according to her MySpace page, she's okay.


MiamiHerald.com has an interview with Debra Miceli (Madusa, Alundra Blaze) that you can see here:

Taylor Wilde-TNA

Taylor Wilde has moved her website to http://taylorwilde.org/taylor-wilde/

Monday, August 10, 2009

Female Wrestling: Candice Michelle, Lilian Garcia, Rena Mero and More

rena mero
August 8th was Sable's (Rena Mero Lesnar) birthday.
So Happy (Late) Birthday Sable!
She turned 42 believe it or not.

Lilian Gracia WWE
The Sun UK has an article up called "Please Don't Leave Us Lilian!" complete with slideshow.

Ayako Hamada TNA
Joshi Puroresu star and now TNA Knockout Ayako Hamada will make her wrestling debut with TNA after the Hard Justice PPV.

The two men that booked the Knockout matches at TNA, Dutch Mantel and Savio Vega, were released from the company last week, and that seems to be making some of the Knockouts a little nervous.
Since the Knockouts are more technically sound than the Diva's, I'd hate to see this release mean a downhill slide for the women's wrestling division on TNA.

Sharmell TNA
According to Wrestling Inc, Sharmell is really loved by the Knockouts backstage.
Jenna Morasca not so much.

candice michelle female wrestling
Now that Candice Michelle is out of the WWE, is it possible we may see her turn up in TNA?
Of course thats the standard question everyone asked when a wrestler is released by the WWE.
Candice was working hard on her in ring skills, but she's not really up to Knockout level.
But maybe Candice as a manager or valet wouldnt be a bad idea.

Sources: WrestleZone, The Sun, wikipedia, hackd.org, Wrestling Inc

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Female Wrestlers of Florida Championship Wrestling

April Mendes,FCW,wrestling
April Mendes

Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) is the training ground for the WWE.
And like the WWE it has it's own divas.

Right now, their Diva roster consists of....

April Mendes (April Jeanette, Miss April)
Unlike a lot of the WWE's Diva prospects, April came in already knowing how to wrestle.
She's worked for wrestling promotions like Victory Pro Wrestling(VPW), National Wrestling Superstars (NWS), and American Championship Entertainment (ACE) as well as the all-female promotion Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU).
At WSU, she held the WSU Tag Team Championship with Brooke Carter.

Beverly (Beverly Mullins, Daisy,Wesley Holliday)
Beverly is a former Hooters Girl.
She may be making the jump to the main roster soon, as she has been involved in several dark matches for Raw and SmackDown!.
Although she was just the valet of Alex Riley, not actually wrestling.

Jenny Cash (Jenny Quinn)
Jenny is a model, wrestler and manager.
Jenny is also known as Fifi, the manager of Le French Men (Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta)
She is currently out of action with a torn ACL.

Penelope Carwin (Jemma Palmer)
English model and professional wrestler and formerly "Inferno" on the British "Gladiators" TV Show.
Although she hasn't had much in ring experience, this girl may be the one to keep an eye on. With the proper promotion, booking and breaks, I can see her as another Beth Phoenix, Victoria or Lita in the future.

Rachael Lynn (Rachael Carr)
British singer, dancer, TV presenter, model and body double.
I've heard rumors that she is already gone.

Serena (Serena Deeb)
Another diva that can actually wrestle.
She has worked for Ohio Valley Wrestling,Pro Wrestling Syndicate, Memphis Championship Wrestling, American Wrestling Rampage, Shimmer Women Athletes and held the OVW Women's Wrestling Championship a record six times.

Angela (Angela Fong)
Canadian born model, actress, valet and occasional wrestler.
For selfish reasons I want her up on the main roster because a Gail Kim / Angela Fong tag team would be so awesome.
Of course the WWE would have to bring back the Women's Tag Team Title....

Candy Girl (Carly)
Candy is an occasional Ring Girl, manager of Sweet Papi Sanchez and sometimes wrestler.

WZROline has a cool pic of most of the divas together that you can see here

Monday, August 3, 2009

Gail Kim Turning Heel?

gail kim female wrestler

I've been saying that I thought they should turn Gail heel for awhile now.
I like Gail, but I like the evil-submission specialist-I'll make you beg for mercy before the match is over Gail.
Remember when she submitted Victoria with the Flying Dragon / Christo (Tilt–a–whirl headscissors armbar)?
Well I do.

With both Michelle McCool AND Maryse injured, now would be the time to bring in the evil Gail to go after Mickie James' newly won Divas Championship.
I personally think a Mickie James / Gail Kim feud would be awesome.
But lets take it a step further.
No lingerie pillow fights or mud wrestling, let's give them a storyline like the old Trish / Victoria / Lita days.
Maybe an "I Quit Match" or a steel cage match.
Lets let these two really go at it and show just what they can do.
Remember, Mickie (to my knowledge) is the only woman to compete in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun match.
That's a tough match.

And draw it out some.
They don't have to go to the "old school" lengths of a year build up, but give the ladies several months to really get some heat going.

With the right booking, this could be one of the storylines of the year.
Not just three TV appearances and one PPV.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Interview With Female Wrestler Kristin Flake

kristen flake female wrestling

Wow...when I did my first Q&A with female wrestler Pink, I didn't think the interviews would be that popular.
But then I got another with Juliet the Huntress and now I'm honored to have another with an indy female wrestler who wrestles in my home state...
Today's Q&A is with Kristin Flake, a wrestler in North Carolina.

So without further ado, here it is....

First...how would you like to be addressed?
Kristin Flake....its both my work name and my real name :-)

Height: 5'5
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green

Where were you born?
Gainesville, Fl.

When were you born?
August 5th

What made you get into wrestling?
I became a fan at the age of 12, and was immediately hooked by the athleticism and spectacle of it all. And knew that I had to get involved.

Who trained you?
I trained with Dory Funk Jr, for a very short time in my teens. I then took several years away for school and to rehab a back injury. When I decided to start full-time in the ring, Kamakazi Kid started training me at the CWF school in Burlington, NC. I also worked there with Jeff Rudd. And I credit Amber O'Neal and Persephone for training me as far as performance at actual shows.

When and where did you make your wrestling debut?
As a valet....at CWF Mid-Atlantic in 2003, I think. As a wrestler....at NWA Mid-Atlantic, in Sept or Oct of 2007.

What's your wrestling style?

What type of outfit do you usually wrestle in?
I like to switch things up. Typically you'll see me in something that is pink and black. Sometimes a skirt, others shorts with fishnets. It just depends on my mood that day.

Do you have a gimmick?
I tend to be that sweet innocent face, that is until you make me mad ;-)

What was your biggest win?
Even though it was declared a no contest....I'd hafta say the First Blood match I had back in May of 09. Id never done anything hardcore at all, and it was fun to test my willpower.

What was your worst loss?
Same as biggest win :-)

What's your favorite type of match?
Any match that pushes me to be my best, I love a match that is technical and tells a good story.

Whats your favorite holds moves etc?
I love interesting chain wrestling.

Whats your finishing move?
Front facelock Buster.

Who have you tagged with?
Amber O'Neal, Persephone

Who have you feuded with?
Amber O'Neal, Persephone, Steffi

What's your best moment so far in wrestling?
There's been SO many. Anytime that the crowd is really into it.

Who are your favorite wrestlers?
Sarah Stock, Sting, Evan Bourne

Whats your goal in wrestling?
To just keep traveling, getting better and have a good time.

Whats the best way for fans to keep up with you?
Through MySpace at either:

Anything you'd like to add?
Please check out the MySpace sites, there is lots of info on them including my wrestling schedule, blog updates and how to buy merchandise.

And I would like to thank Kristen for taking the time out to do this.
Again, these are some of the hardest working women in wrestling today, so when they are in a event near you, go out and show your support!

kristen flake wrestling

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Female Wrestling: WWE Night of Champions Results

Michelle McCool-wwe-female wrestling
Still Champion.....

Mickie James-wwe-female wrestling
...New Champion.

In female wrestling action tonight at the WWE Night of Champions.....

In the WWE Women's Championship Match, Michelle McCool defeated Melina to retain her WWE Women's Championship.

And in the WWE Divas Championship Match, Mickie James defeated the champion Maryse to become the new WWE Divas Champion.
This makes Mickie the third WWE Divas Champion behind Maryse and Michelle McCool.

Friday, July 24, 2009

TNA Impact! Knockouts Battle Royal

Last night on TNA Impact! they had a Knockouts Battle Royal with.....
Awesome Kong
The Beautiful People
Rhaka Khan
Alissa Flash (Cheerleader Melissa)
And referee, the returning Traci Brooks

And TNA (who loves the fans to promote them, unlike the other promotion) has posted the match online, and you can see it here.
The match starts about 2:40 into the clip.

I liked the match and I loved to actually see Tara and Sarita mix it up (if only for a few seconds).
Note to Tara: Standing toe to toe with Awesome Kong and slugging it out is NOT the way to go.
And truthfully, I did not see that ending coming.

Monday, July 20, 2009

TNA Knockout News and Amy Dumas (Lita)

traci brooks tna wrestling

Besides all the Victory Road news, a rumor coming out of TNA is that Traci Brooks (Is she still the Knockout Law?) and Christy Hemme will both be returning for this weeks taping.
And also rumored to appear is Japanese star, Ayako Hamada.

Traci and Christy coming back, Sarita and Ayako debuting right behind each other....
Is TNA set to knockout (sorry) the other wrestling promotion's women's division?

Karen Angle TNA wrestling
And there is another rumor surfacing that former TNA Knockout Karen Angle is living with.....Jeff Jarret?
Talk about an uncomfortable working situation with Jarret being so high up in TNA and Kurt Angle working for them.
Of course this is ONLY a rumor.

Lita Amy Dumas wrestling
Change The Record.net has an interview up with Lita (Okay, enough time has passed...it's Amy Dumas now).
The cool thing to me is that Amy talks about why she wasn't at Wrestlemania.

Faye: Were you invited to take part in the 25-Diva Battle Royal at WrestleMania 25, this year? If so, why did you turn it down?
Amy: Did you see that match?!
Faye: Yeah, it was so bad!
Amy: Right, that’s why I turned it down.

You can read the interview and understand why I like the way Amy thinks here:

TNA "Victory Road" PPV Knockouts Results

Angelina Love TNA wrestling

Last night at TNA's Victory Road, they had two female wrestling matches.

First up was a return match between Knockout Champion Tara and challenger and former Knockout Champion Angelina Love.
Of course Angelina came out with The Beautiful People and Tara came out with a spider in a jar.
BTW, Tara is short for Tarantula if you didn't know.
The crowd seemed to really get behind the match and of course Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne pulled ot their bag of usual tricks, one of which resulted in Madison accidentally spraying Velvet in the eyes instead of Tara.
The match ended in an WCW Old School kinda way when Angelina made a pin attempt, Tara got her foot on the rope out at two but "impartial" ref Slick Johnson counted three anyway.
So Angelina Love has regained the TNA Knockouts Championship.

After the match Tara got in the ref's face, clobbered Johnson and hit the Widow's Peak on Angelina.
She was about to put the spider on Angelina (Shades of Jake the Snake!) but Velvet and Madison pulled Angelina out and Tara put the snake..errr..spider on Slick.

BTW, later in an interview backstage with Lauren, Slick admitted he screwed up and said he would get Tara a rematch.

The next match was Sharmell versus Jenna Morasca.
Jenna of course came out with Awesome Kong and Sharmell came out with Sojourner Bolt.
The match was basically a catfight with hair pulling etc.
Even though the match was between Sharmell and Jenna, Sojo and Kong were heavily involved.
Jenna got the victory after Kong nailed Sharmell and Jenna covered her with an unladylike pin.

But that's not all.
After the match, Jenna was trying to boss Kong around until finally Kong got fed up and took out her frustrations on Jenna.

Posted by Sabre, Monday July 20th