Monday, April 27, 2009

Interview With Female Wrestler, Pink


I didn't really know what blog to post this to, since I have a blog for basically Indy wrestlers and two for Lucha Libre, but the title of this blog is "The Beautiful Women of Wrestling" so this fits fine here.
I've done a few entries on Luchadora Pink on my Lucha blogs, but I was lucky enough to run across her on MySpace, contacted her and she agreed to do a little Q&A form so I could post it and let everyone learn about this lovely young lady.

So without further ado, here is Pink herself....

Height: 5 ft 7in
Weight: 160
Hair: Dark Brown & Pink
Eyes: Dark Brown
Where were you born: San Antonio, TX
When were you born: February 3, 1986

What made you get into wrestling?
When I watched it on TV, I would get mad because i knew I could beat up those girls. even from when I was very young I knew that I would be tough to beat.

Who trained you?
Initial training & graduated from Texas Wrestling Academy - Rudy Boy Gonzalez Jan 06- Nov 07
Majority has been with Raging Bull Manny Fernandez (Since 2007) and the past year has been spent on the road with Simply Luscious and Shawn Hernandez

When and where did you make your wrestling debut?
San Antonio, TX vs Becky Bayless

What's your wrestling style?
Old school American, Lucha and Power/Strong style

What type of outfit do you usually wrestle in?
One piece luchadora style outfit from Monterrey. All my gear is from Mexico. My extended family is from Monterrey. Monterrey is very dear to my heart.

Do you have a gimmick?
I wore a mask in Mexico, i was La Tejana down there. I lost the mask in Dec 2008 but still use the lucha style in my American matches and the American style in my lucha matches. Changing the pace from what my opponent is used to depending on my location.

What was your biggest win?
Very recently, FINALLY defeating Simply Luscious

What was your worst loss?
Losing my mask to La Chacala.. I not only battled her in that match, I also to contend with Tsunami and Dama de Hierro

What's your favorite type of match?
tag match

What are your favorite holds, moves etc?
Mafia Kick, Fugiwara Armbar, Camel Clutch, Boston Crab

What's your finishing move?
Gringa Killer DDT

Who have you tagged with?
Simply Luscious & Joey Spector (misery loves company lol)

Who have you feuded with?
La Chacala, Simply Luscious & Joey Spector (friends close enemies closer)

What's your best moment so far in wrestling?
Wrestling Princesa Sugey... any match with her is tough. She is the best in the world.

Who are your favorite wrestlers?
Manny Fernandez, Princesa Sugey, Jazz

Whats your goal in wrestling?
To wrestle everyday that I am physically able and to make it my sole means of income, whether I am on the road in Mexico/US or under contract with one of the big companies.

Whats the best way for fans to keep up with you?,

Anything you'd like to add?
I think you do a wonderful job spotlighting female fighters in general. I am grateful for you taking the time to put it all together.

And I would like to thank Pink for taking the time out to do this.
The Indy wrestlers of today harken back to the days of Mildred Burke and the other greats.
And they deserve a lot of respect.
Show your support and go see these talented performers when they're in your area.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WWE Diva Wrestling News and Rumors

trish stratus-wwe-wrestling
Trish is not too impressed with the WWE at the moment

A lot of WWE Diva wrestling news and rumors this time......

I'm not the only one complaining about the sorry 25 Diva Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 25.
Evidently backstage, the WWE Divas felt the same way.
Can you blame them?

And to point out even further what a joke the Diva's " Main Event" was, look at this excerpt from an interview with Trish Stratus by the Times and Transcript...
" Since retiring, Trish has returned to TV the odd time for special occasions, but she recently turned down an offer to appear on the biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania, when it was clear WWE didn't have much planned for the divas battle royal.
She says the current state of WWE's women's division leaves a lot to be desired. Storylines, character development and in-ring action aren't really the focus."

You can read the full interview here:

The movie Gail Kim is in, "Royal Kill", got a limited release, and from what I understand, the film is to be avoided big time.
I haven't seen a good review of the movie yet.
I guess that's the reason it was made in 2005 and just released now.
BTW, Gail isn't the only female wrestler in the movie, Molly Holly is in it as well.
The trailer is kinda cool though, they make Gail look almost like a Terminator.
The thing about it is, the production company seems to be embracing just how awful it is and is pushing it as a cult movie.
Let's see if that works.

WWE Diva Candice Michelle is about 3 weeks away from returning to the ring full-time from her ankle injury.
And the rumor is that she wants to go to SmackDown! when she comes back.

According to former WWE Diva Victoria's MySpace blog, she is NOT going to TNA, she was just talking to the president and chairwoman of TNA Dixie Carter at a MMA event.
Victoria says she is firmly focused on her MMA career.
Hmmm...we've been swerved before.

And rumors continue that former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro may be returning to the WWE.
Again the rumor seems to be coming from Ashley herself, this time via her Twitter account.
The funny thing is...I cant find her Twitter account.....

And finally, WWE Diva Rosa Mendez is dating UFC fighter Dean Lister.
If you follow MMA, you may recognize him as the submission-grappling coach for Tito Ortiz's team on "The Ultimate Fighter" reality show.

WWE Diva Wrestling News and Rumors, posted to on 4-21-2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

25-Diva Battle Royal at Wrestlemania

What can I say?
What should I say?
The WWE turned the match into a farce.
I should have expected that.
Nice of them to gather all the Divas together for a match and have an ending like that.

Well at least the WWE lowered the bar enough that TNA should have no trouble hitting it.
Heck, Wrestlicious should be able to knock it out of the park now.

In case you didn't hear.....


Santino Marella won the match and is the first Miss WrestleMania.
Way to elevate the Divas WWE!
Make 'em look good at your biggest show of the year!

You can always leave the WWE and go to MMA.
At least there they won't make you fight Brock Lesnar in drag.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More Wrestlicious News

As was pointed out to me in a comment, the "face" of the new Wrestlicious promotion is Jimmy Hart, but the Wrestlicious promotion is being funded by 19-year-old Jonathan Vargas.
(I would have loved to just post the comment but somehow Blogger "ate"the comment when I tried to publish it. The poster was a "lost" someone, if that person would contact me I'll be more than happy to credit them for pointing this out)
As you may already know, Jonathan won the $35 Million Powerball Jackpot this past May.
So this young man is evidently really making his dreams come true.
Jonathan plans on appearing on the show as "JV Rich", the Rapper/Owner of Wrestlicious.

And the reason Wrestlicious looks so much like GLOW is that the Senior Producer of the show is GLOW alumni Johnny Cafarella.
And here is how some of the female wrestlers got around contract conflicts....
13 episodes were secretly taped last August.
That's how they got Daffney (TNA's Governor) and Madison Rayne (another TNA Knockout) on the show.
And according to sources all over the web, FOX has indeed picked up the show and will run the 13 episodes this Fall.

And since I can't resist it, here's another Wrestlicious promo.....

And there is also a Wrestlicious website up now.....

UPDATE: Okay, I found out now and credit for letting me know about this goes to lostangel84!
So thank you very much lostangel84 for putting me on to this!